Monday, August 31, 2009

Gall Bladder Back Pain

by: Saurabh Jain

The gall bladder back pain is usually caused due to the inflammation or improper functioning of gall bladder, which is a small pear-shaped organ on the underside of the liver, in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Its main function is to collect and store bile, which is used by the body to digest fats. Bile is made in the liver cells (hepatocytes) and consists of water, electrolytes, bile acids, phospholipids and bilirubin. It assists in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, A, D, E and K.

Causes Of Gall Bladder Problems

Gall bladder diseases and problems are fairly common and affect both men and women. The symptoms can vary from indigestion and nausea to vomiting and pain in the right upper abdomen. This pain also radiates to the lower back, resulting in gall bladder back pain. Other symptoms include:

1.Fever due to inflammation in the gall bladder

2.Abdominal bloating

3.Severe heartburn and gas



Some of the gall bladder problems are caused by:

1.Production of toxic bile by the liver

2.Inadequate production of bile

3.Excess amount of cholesterol in bile, leading to the formation of gall bladder stones

4.Infection in gall bladder

5.Hormonal changes during pregnancy

6.Blood disorders or infections

The lower back pain can be attributed to a gall bladder disorder problem that results in gall bladder pain called biliary colic. Biliary colic occurs when gallstones block the small duct that drains bile to the small intestine. Gallstones or biliary calculi are small stones formed from a mixture of cholesterol, bile pigment and calcium salts. The formation of gallstones is a very common disorder and affects approximately 15% of the people at the age of around 50. However, in most cases, complication and infections don’t arise until gallstones block a bile duct, which then leads to severe pain lasting from 30 min to several hours. In such circumstances, you must undertake an ultra sound test to confirm the presence of gallstones and then get the proper treatment with the help of a doctor.
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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Now That’s Junk Food!

According to Joanne Larsen MS RD LD, junk food is a slang word for foods with limited nutritional value. “Every person has their own list of foods they call junk foods.” She writes, “I would include foods that are low in nutrient content. Generally, they offer little in terms of protein, vitamins or minerals. The term ‘empty calories’ reflects the lack of nutrients.”

I can’t agree with her more, but it’s time for consumers to include diet chemical sweeteners as “junk foods.”

Chemical sweeteners are loaded in toxins and devoid of all nutrition. Methanol is found in aspartame, and chlorine (three out of four parts sucralose) is found in Splenda®. Methanol and chlorine are what I call “real junk foods.” The human body in no way feeds from manufactured methanol or chlorine as a source of nutrition.

The manufacturers of both aspartame and sucralose argue the methanol and chlorine, in their respective products, are found in nature. While this may be true, they do not tell you the whole story: isolated, man-made methanol and chlorine are found in nature only as environmental toxins and carcinogens. Natural forms of these chemical elements, such as chloride, are always in combination with other natural elements, preventing their toxic effects from harming plants and animals if ingested.

Man-made methanol and chlorine are created from laboratory chemicals and inserted into manufactured food products to “fool” the body into believing the ingested elements are natural. But, the body has no real nutrients in which to feed from, making these chemical food products “junk food.”

So, if you and your kids want to avoid a junk food diet and keep away from toxic foods, include diet chemical sweeteners on your list of foods to avoid.

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Feeling Depressed? Eat more Protein

On January 5th 2006 researchers annouced their studies, they learned that protein p11 plays a key role in depression. Protein p11 appears to regulate signaling of the brain chemical Serotonin. In so many studies done before Serotonin has been linked with depression and also anxiety disorders. The funny thing is Serotinon is what nearly every anti-depressant is made to regulate, including Prozac.

Whats the difference between protein p11 and Prozac you ask?

Prozac uses compounds called SSRIs, which increase levels of Serotonin in your body. These compounds interact with 14 different serotonin receptors. Prozac stimulates some of the receptors that cause negative side effects, p11 does not interact with these receptors.

So is this the end all cure all?

Maybe, some people react differently, If you do not experience any positive effects from anti-depressants then you can try Paxil. Which aims at the future of antidepressants targeting the 5-HT receptors, which cause very few side effects.

!Entreprenuer Alert!

Since p11 is a natural (organic) chemical it can not be patented! Using p11 in future antidepressants will soon be huge. The funds to get such a business started are unknown, but you could do some research and some deep pocket investing to be the first to jump on this market.

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Pain Relief from Neck and Shoulder Pain My Top 5 Favorite Ways

When you are experiencing neck and shoulder pain at your computer, there are simple actions you can take to help you feel better.

It is very important to understand how your body reacts with the design of your computer work area. Of equal concern is choosing products to help you rather than create additional pain. It can be just as simple as adjusting or rearranging your equipment and furniture.

Monitor Height Placement

If you bend your neck back to see the monitor, it is too high. If you bend your neck down, your monitor is too low.

Let your head rest naturally and it will tilt slightly forward. You have left the office too many times with sore muscles!

When looking straight ahead, your line of sight is the imaginary horizontal line from your eyes to the screen. Your eyes naturally gaze down 15 – 20 degrees below your line of sight. Adjust the height to easily view the information on the screen where your eyes naturally gaze.

Center Keyboard with Monitor

If your keyboard is placed directly in front of your body and your monitor is situated to the right or left you will be forced to twist your neck to view the screen. Ouch! This twist will tense the muscles in your neck.

The longer you work with your muscles tensed the higher risk of developing neck and shoulder pain.

Adjust Your Chair Armrest Height

How often do you feel as if your neck is almost touching your shoulder? Too often, right!

Let’s not make it easy to tense your shoulders. If your armrests are too high, you will be raising (and tensing!) your shoulders up and creating pain.

Due to the tendency to lean to the side with armrests too low you may also create pain in the elbows and ulnar nerve. The ulnar nerve is the one you feel all the way down into your pinkie finger when hitting your elbow. Watch this one!

Adjust your armrests so that your shoulders are completely relaxed and elbows rest comfortably on armrests.

Eliminate Your Chair Armrests Altogether

Do your armrests prevent you from getting close to your keyboard because they hit the edge of your desk? This is a source of mental stress many of us have experienced.

You will also create tense neck and shoulder muscles due to the straight arm reach to the keyboard and mouse.

So in this case, remove the armrests.

Move Mouse Closer To Your Body

Moving and clicking your mouse frequently when it is too far away can create shoulder pain - use a shorter footprint, ergonomic keyboard without the right hand numeric keypad or a mouse that is placed at the center of the body.

You may also try a keyboard with the numeric keypad on the left, your keyboard and monitor will be balanced more easily.

As always, REST, REST and MORE REST every 10 minutes for 10 seconds and every hour for five (5) minutes.

Stand up and stretch often as this will relax your mind and body, improve circulation and create more productivity.

Go Live in Comfort!

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Panduan Penjagaan Influenza A H1N1

Panduan Menilai Tahap Kesihatan Diri di Rumah

Anda perlu mendapatkan rawatan SEGERA di hostpital jika anda mengalami mana-mana tanda dan gejala berikut:

  • Masalah Pernafasan
  • sesak nafas, semut, warna bibir bertukar menjadi biru/ungu.
  • Batuk berdarah atau kahak berdarah
  • Sakit dada berterusan
  • Cirit-birit atau muntah yagn kerap
  • Demam berterusan melebihi 3 hari atau demam berulang selepas 3 hari pulih
  • Berkelakuan tidak normal, keliru, kurang responsif kepada rangsangan atau sawan.
  • Rasa pening apabila berdiri
  • Kurang Kencing.

Penjagaan Kesihatan Diri Di Rumah

  • Jika demam makan ubat paracetamol mengikut dos yang disyorkan.
  • Demam yang telah reda tidak bermaksud anda telah sembuh tetapi boleh membuatkan anda berasa lebih selesa. Patuhi arahan pada label ubat. Dapatkan nasihat pengamal perubatan tentang ubat yang disarankan, sukatan yang sesuai, kesan sampingan ubat dan bila pengambilan perlu dihentikan.
  • Berehat secukupnya.
  • Banyakkan pengambilan cecair (termasuk air mineral, bubur, isotonik, jus buah-buahan dan sup bagi mengelakkan dehidrasi.
  • Sekiranya mengalami tanda-tanda kecemasan segera dapatkan rawatan doktor.
  • Pastikan pengudaraan yang baik di rumah (contohnya membuka tingkap di bilik, dapur, tandas dan bilik mandi).

Nasihat Untuk Pesakit dan Ahli Keluarga Bagi Mengawal Jangkitan Di Rumah

Amalkan Etika Batuk
  • Pesakit mesti mengamalkan etika batuk yang betul. Gunakan tisu atau sapu tangan apabila batuk atau bersin. Cuci tangan dengan sabun dan air atau bahan pencuci tangan berasaskan alkohol. Buang tisu yang telah digunakan ke dalam tong sampah.

Tingkatkan Penjagaan Kebersihan Diri
Pesakit dan semua ahli keluarga mesti mengambil langkah2 berikut:
  • Kerap cuci tangan dgn sabun dan air atau bahan cuci berasaskan alkohol.
  • Keringkan tgn dgn tisu atau tuala yan berasingan utk setiap ahli keluarga.
  • Cuci pinggan mangkuk dan peralatan lain serta permukaan yang kerap disentuh, dgn menggunakan bajan pencuci yagn biasa digunakan dirumah.

Jangan Kongsi Peralatan PEribadi
  • Peralatan seperti pinggan mangkuk dan kain seperti tuala, cadar dan selimut tidak boleh dikongsi oleh ahli keluarga pesakit. Semua barangan ini perlu dicuci dgn sabun dan air.

Menjarakkan Diri
  • Pesakit dinasihatkan supaya tidak meninggalkan rumah sehingga mereka benar2 sembuh, lazimnya 7 hari.
  • Pesakit seboleh2nya diminta tinggal di bilik berasingan.
  • Ahli keluarga, khususnya yang cenderung mendapat komplikasi (khususnya ibu hamil) seboleh2nya hendaklah menjarakkan diri daripada pesakit sekurang-kurangnya 1 meter utk mengelakkan jangkitan.
  • Sekiranya pesakit terpaksa keluar rumah contohnya, untuk mendapatkan rawatan beliau hendaklah memakai penutup mulut dan hidung (mask), mengamalkan etika batuk yang betul dan kerap mencuci tangan.

Sumber : Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Selangor

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