Saturday, May 26, 2007

Belajar Menangani Stress Pekerjaan : Part 2

Tangani kemarahan secara berkesan

Tiga langkah yang penting:

  1. Berhenti : akui bahawa anda sedang marah dan cuba bertenang
  2. Berfikir : rancang fikiran anda
  3. Bertindak : gunakan daya tindak yang berkesan

Atasi masalah dengan berkesan

Jika anda menganggap sesuatu itu boleh diubah, gunakan teknik IDEAL

· I: Identify the Problem ( Kenal pasti masalah )
· D: Describe Possible Option ( Huraikan pilihan yang ada )
· E: Evaluate Pros and Cons ( Nilaikan akibat setiap pilihan, kelebihan dan kelemahan )
· A: Act Based On The Best Possible Action ( Bertindak berdasarkan pilihan yang paling baik )
· L: Learn ( Belajar dan semak semula )

Jika anda menganggap sesuatu situasi itu tidak boleh diubah, kendalikan emosi anda secara positif dengan berkongsi perasaan dengan orang yang dipercayai, berdoa dan lain-lain.

Praktikkan pengurusan masa yang berkesan

  • Akuilah anda hanya ada 24 jam sehari
  • Senaraikan tuga-tugas anda dan utamakan mengikut kepentingan dan keperluan
  • Delegasikan tugas anda secara berkesan

Amalkan cara hidup sihat

  • Bersenam selalu
  • Makan secara sihat
  • Tidak Merokok
  • Luangkan masa untuk beriadah dan berekreasi
  • Belajar teknik relaksasi (muzik, meditasi dan lain-lain)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Belajar Menangani Stress Pekerjaan : Part 1

Tingkatkan sokongan sosial di tempat kerja

  • Menjalinkan tali persahabatan sesama rakan sekerja
  • Berkongsi masalah dengan mereka yang boleh dipercayai

Praktikan pemikiran yang rasional dan positif

Pemikiran, kepercayaan atau perasaan yang negatif atau tidak rasional kerap kali menyebabkan salah faham. Sekiranya ini berlaku;

  • Jangan biarkan salah faham menjejaskan perasaan dan tindakan anda
  • Pastikan tafsiran anda tentag sesuatu situasi sepadan dengan fakta
  • Gantikan pemikiran yang tidak rasional dan negatif dengan keterangan yang lebih munasabah

Berkomunikasi secara berkesan

  • Jadilah pendengar yang baik
  • Berkomunikasi secara agresif
  • Luahkan pendapat anda secara jelas, tepat dan tegas
  • Hormati pandangan orang lain
  • Gunakan fakta, bukannye mengikut perasaan

Tangani kritikan dengan baik

  • Apabila anda dikritik : bertenang, tentukan apa yang anda boleh percaya
  • Sekiranya kritikan itu benar : terima, ambil langkah sewajarnya
  • Sekiranya kritikan itu tidak benar: dpatkan lebih maklumat, betulkan tanggapan yang salah itu!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Makanan Pilihan Sihat Part 2

Had dan kurangkan makanan bergoreng dan berlemak...

  • Kurangkan kekerapan pengambilan makanan bergoreng
  • Pilihlah makanan yang rendah lemak
  • Ambil kuih yang berminyak dalam kuantiti yang sedikit
  • Buang kulit dan lemak daripada ayam atau daging sebelum makan
  • Pilihlah makanan yang rendah kandungan lemak tepu dan kolestrol

Pilih makanan dan minuman yang kurang gula...

  • Hadkan pengambilan makanan manis dan bergula
  • Kurangkan miuman yang manis da berkarbonat
  • Gunakan panel maklumat pemakanan untuk membuat perbandingan jumlah gula didalam sesuatu produk
  • Berhati2 dengan pemanis tiruan

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Makanan Pilihan Sihat Part 1

Makan buah dan sayur pada setiap waktu makan....

  • Makan sekurang-kurangnyer 1/2 cawan sayur pada setiap waktu makan
  • Makan sekurang-kurangnyer satu jenis buah pada setiap waktu makan
  • Pelbagaikan jenis buah dan sayur
  • Pilih hidangan yang mengandungi buah dan sayur Contoh : nasi kerabu, nasi ulam, puding buah, rojak buah/sayur, pecal)
  • Jadikan buah sebagai snek
  • Makanlah ulam dan salad bersama hidangan anda

Makan bijirin penuh, kekacang dan biji-bijian....

  • Makan sarapan berasaskan bijirin pehug seperti oat, jagung dan capati
  • Pilih roti, roti pita, bijirin sarapan pagi dan biskut yang berasaskan bijirin penuh
  • Cuba gantikan arau campurkan nasi putih dengan nasi beras perang
  • Makan makanan seperti tauhu, tempe dan kacang panggang beberapa kali seminggu
  • Makan kekacang atau biji-bijian beberapa kali seminggu Contoh : biji selasih dalam minuman atau kuih yang ditabur bijan

Monday, May 7, 2007

Piramid Makanan Malaysia

Makan pelbagai jenis makanan yang dapat membekalkan semua zat yang diperlukan berpandukan Piramid Makanan Malaysia. Terdapat 4 aras yang perlu kita ketahui :

Aras 4

Aras 3

Aras 2

Aras 1

Aras 4 (Makan paling sedikit)
Lemak, Minyak, Garam, Gula

Aras 3 (Makan sederhana :2-3sajian)
Susu, Dadih dan Keju
Ikan, Ayam, Daging dan kekacang

Aras 2 (Makan banyak : 3-5 sajian)
Buah-buahan dan Sayur-sayuran

Aras 1 (Makan paling banyak : 8-12 sajian)
Bijirin dan hasil bijirin serta ubi

Amalan makan secara sihat menyumbang kepada kesihatan optima yang seterusnya dapat mempengaruhi produktiviti, moral dan kesejahteraan pekerja.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

What's in a cigarette?

There are over 4000 chemicals in cigarette smoke. Most of these are poisonous and some are known to cause cancer. So, take a deep breath and find out what's inside a cigarette.

The damage to health may be caused by the tar and poisonous chemicals, but it's the nicotine in tobacco which smokers can grow to depend upon.

Ciggie smoke condenses when it's inhaled. This is a bit like watching droplets form upon the ceiling above a boiling kettle. The end result with smoking, however, is a whole lot more black and sticky.

Carbon monoxide
This is a poisonous gas found in high concentration in cigarette smoke, not to mention the stuff which coughs out of car exhaust pipes. Once inside the lungs, the carbon atoms grab any passing haemoglobin (the oxygen forming substance found in the blood) and basically take a joy ride around the body.

Lighter fuel

Cleaning products

Nail Varnish Remover

Rat Poison

Hydrogen Cyanide
Poison used on death row

Radioactive gas


Used to pickle dead bodies

Rocket Fuel

Stop Smoking

You can help your chances of stopping smoking successfully with a little bit of planning and it can be even more successful if you use some form of support. However you choose to quit, these top tips can help you to make that fresh start!

  1. Set a date to stop and stick to it. Pick a day that will be relatively stress-free. No Smoking Day on Wednesday 14th March 2007 is an ideal day to stop as over a million other smokers all round the world will be having a go at the same time.

  2. Write down all the reasons you want to stop. There are lots of benifits of quitting smoking and yours might includesaving money, being healthier, or for the sake of your family. Keep your list somewhere handy to use as a reminder if you are tempted to have a cigarette.

  3. Keep a diary for a day or two. Note down all the times and places you smoke, with a note of how much you needed each cigarette.

  4. Get help. Let friends and family know you're quitting and tell them what they can do to help. Your GP, nurse or pharmacist can give you great advice about stop smoking support and put you in touch with localspecialist services and helplines.

  5. Quit together .Find others who would like to give up smoking and agree to support each other. Keep in daily contact and make a pact not to let each other down.

  6. Ease the withdrawal symptoms and plan some help.Nicotine is addictive and you may experience withdrawal symptoms like irritability, lack of concentration and sleeping problems. These effects of stopping smoking are temporary.

  7. Prepare to stop smoking.Get rid of lighters, ashtrays and matches and make sure you don't have any cigarettes around. Remove any stale smoke smells by spring-cleaning your house and clothes.

  8. Take it one day at a time.Concentrate on getting through each day without a cigarette. Know what you are going to say if someone offers you a cigarette - enjoy saying, "No thanks - I don't smoke".

  9. Break the links that create the habit.Most smokers will have times and places when they always have a cigarette, like after a meal or with a drink in the pub. Try to avoid these situations at first if you think you will be tempted to smoke, or do something different - you could go for a short walk after a meal.

  10. Learn to relax!Try this simple breathing exercise:If possible, sit down with feet flat on the floor, hands resting on knees. Breathe slowly in and out through the nose a couple of times, concentrating on the sensation of air moving in and out of the body. Start to breathe more deeply, still through the nose, consciously letting the air fill the abdomen, then the lower and upper chest in sequence. Breathe out the same way, expelling the air from the abdomen, lower and upper chest in turn.Repeat this breath 3 or 4 times, and then return to normal breathing.

Follow the 10 top tips above and then:
Reward yourself!Save the money that you would have spent on cigarettes for a treat such as a new outfit, going out for a meal or taking a holiday.

And remember - once stopped, stay stopped.Remember that 'just one cigarette' can lead to another. Keep reminding yourself of the health and other benefits of stopping smoking. Make sure you take the full course of any nicotine replacement treatment you are using.

Walking - The New Health Prevention Pill

by: Jim O'Connor

If I could bottle up a special health prevention pill, it would be comprised of your shoes, and feet. Recent research has shown just how much more powerful walking is than previously thought.

I don't need to be convinced, since people regularly see me walking all over Los Angeles with my training clients. They have all benefited from the powerful, health producing, results of their walking programs.

Compared to other cardiovascular training methods, walking is extremely convenient, and inexpensive. You can walk just about anywhere. All you need is a pair of shoes, and you are off. No expensive high tech equipment is necessary. How much easier can it be?

Another positive feature of walking is its low impact on joints, muscles, and bones, as well as, for most people, the physical ease of doing it.

Three recent research studies suggested there are even more benefits associated with brisk walking. These benefits include better survival rates for women with breast cancer, reduced risk of endometrial cancer, and lower rates of cardiovascular challenges.

Please be aware, walking should not be simply a shopping stroll, but a brisk, 2.0 mph plus walk. Your walking heart rate should reach more than 55% of your maximum heart rate for an extended period of time. Your maximum heart rate can be calculated by taking 220 minus your age.

The breast cancer study was recently published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, and was conducted at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. Women diagnosed with breast cancer who walked 2-3 mph, 1-3 days per week were 20% less likely to die from the disease. Those who walked 3-5 times per week reduced their risk by 50%.

The study suggested physical activity has been linked to lower levels of circulating ovarian hormones, which could explain the relationship between physical activity and breast cancer.

The endometrial cancer study, conducted at Vanderbilt University, and the Shanghai Cancer Institute, found that women who walked for exercise in adolescence and adulthood had a 37 percent reduced risk of the disease. Even post menopausal women who recently started to walk reduced their risk 24%. The study sample was 1700 women. Reductions in risk began after 25 minutes per day up to 50 minutes per day.

In another study conducted at Queen's University in Belfast, Northern Ireland, researchers examined the effects of 30 minutes of self paced, brisk walking, 5 days per week for 50-65 year old individuals.

The results were very impressive with significant decreases in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, reduction in stroke risk, and increased functional capacity.

Now that we understand some of the many great health benefits of walking, we need to understand what is the best way motivate yourself to get those 3-5 days per week in.

Researchers have found that counting steps is by far more motivational than using time to track progress. Shoot for 10,000 steps per day. I recommend investing in a pedometer to keep track of the total amount of steps you walk per day. You can find them anywhere online, or at your local sporting good store.

10,000 steps per day walkers seem to be more aware of how many more steps they need to achieve their goal as a result of the constant reminder from the pedometer.

A good resource for the 10,000 steps concept is The Step Diet: Count Steps, Not Calories to Lose Weight and Keep It Off Forever.

Staying consistent, week after week, with your walking program is great, but adding 2 days of strength training, and flexibility work is even better.

For my "secret health prevention pill" consider starting a walking program today. Lace up your shoes, take the prevention pill, and pound the pavement!

For more beneficial health and fitness tips, tricks, and strategies, you quality for a FR^E subscription to the famous Wellness Word "Multimedia" Newsletter.

Claim your (zero cost) multimedia gift subscription by clicking the link below.

About The Author

Jim O'Connor is a celebrity Exercise Physiologist, and author/publisher in Beverly Hills, California. He is the author of a home gym equipment buyers guide called Home Gym Shopping Secrets, and Wellness Word "Mulimedia" Newsletter. For special access to Wellness WORD Newsletter go to

*** Attention: Ezine Editors / Website Owners ***

Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your eZine, Blog, Autoresponder,or on your website as long as the links, and resource box are not altered in any way.

Jim O'Connor - Exercise Physiologist / The Fitness Promoter

Copyright (c) - Wellness Word, LLC

9461 Charleville Blvd. #312

Beverly Hills, CA 90212


Saturday, May 5, 2007

Bagiamana Makan Secara Sihat?

  • Pilih makanan yang berkhasiat untuk memenuhi keperluan diet harian anda
  • Pilih makanan yang rendah gula, garam dan minyak
  • Makan lebih buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran
  • Minum 6 hingga 8 gelas air sehari
  • Pilih premis makanan yang bersih
  • Kurangkan minyak, garam dan lemak semasa memasak
  • contoh: kukus, rebus panggang dan bakar
  • Pilih makan yang bersih dan selamat

Bersenam Secara Betul, Elakkan Kecederaan

Ramai di antara kita sememangnya tahu bersenam dapat meningkatkan kecergasan diri. Tapi tahukah anda adakalanya bersenam juga memudaratkan kepada tubuh badan sekiranya tidak dilakukan dengan betul. Mari patuhi 4 fasa senaman :

Fasa 1:

Memanaskan Badan (5-10 minit)

  • Senaman kelonggaran
  • Senaman renggangan

Fasa 2:

Aerobik (15 minit)
  • Contoh
  • berjalan pantas, berjoging, senamrobik

Fasa 3:

Muscular Conditioning (5-10 minit)
  • Fasa ini melibatkan aktiviti bagi memantapkan daya tahan dan kekuatan otot
  • Contoh:
  • bangun tubi, tekan tubi, half-squat, heel raiser

Fasa 4:

Menyejukkan Badan (5-10 minit)
  • Senaman tidak boleh diberhentikan serta merta kerana boleh mendatangkan kecederaan pada otot.

Tidak Merokok dan Berhentilah Merokok

Mari kita lihat apakah faedah-faedah tidak merokok:

  • Risiko untuk mendapat pelbagai penyakit adalah rendah
  • Penampilan diri menarik dan lebih cergas
  • Nafas tidak berbau
  • Lebih berstamina untuk melakukan aktiviti fizikal
  • Menghindari racun
  • Menjimatkan wang
  • Melindungi alam sekitar
  • Suasana rumah dan tempat kerja lebih selesa kerana bebas dari asap rokok
  • Kesuburan kembali normal, masalah mati pucuk kembali normal
  • Kawan2 lebih senang bersama kerana tiada bau rokok

Friday, May 4, 2007

Menangani Stress Di Tempat Kerja

Stress pekerjaan berlaku apabila pekerja menghadapi tuntutan dan tekanan kerja yang tidak sepadan dengan pengetahuan dan kebolehan mereka.

Punca-Punca Stres Pekerjaan:

  • Objektif dan struktur organisasi yang kurang jelas.
  • Perkembangan kerjaya,status dan jagi yang tidak memuaskan.
  • Peranan yang berkonflik.
  • Tugas yang membosankan dan tidak bermakna.
  • Kerja yang terlalu banyak atau terklalu sedikit.
  • Waktu bekerja yang terlalu panjang dan tidak anjal.
  • Konflik dan kurang sokongan dari rakan sekerja atau pihak atasan.
  • Konflik di antara tuntutan kerja dan rumah.

What Is Stress?

Stress is a feeling that's created when we react to particular events. It's the body's way of rising to a challenge and preparing to meet a tough situation with focus, strength, stamina, and heightened alertness.

The events that provoke stress are called stressors, and they cover a whole range of situations - everything from outright physical danger to making a class presentation or taking a semester's worth of your toughest subject.

The human body responds to stressors by activating the nervous system and specific hormones. The hypothalamus signals the adrenal glands to produce more of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol and release them into the bloodstream. These hormones speed up heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and metabolism. Blood vessels open wider to let more blood flow to large muscle groups, putting our muscles on alert. Pupils dilate to improve vision. The liver releases some of its stored glucose to increase the body's energy. And sweat is produced to cool the body. All of these physical changes prepare a person to react quickly and effectively to handle the pressure of the moment.

This natural reaction is known as the stress response. Working properly, the body's stress response enhances a person's ability to perform well under pressure. But the stress response can also cause problems when it overreacts or fails to turn off and reset itself properly.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Do You Have Arthritis?

by: Lambert Klein

Do you have arthritis? If so you are not alone. 66,000,000 people do almost 1 in 3 adults.

Arthritis is second only to heart disease as a cause of work disability. Besides limiting daily activities arthritis can cause many lifestyle problems. You may assume there's nothing you can do that will help. Don't believe that. There are steps including supplements and lifestyle changes you can make to significantly improve your life.

Your doctor may ask a few of these questions:

  • • Where is your pain

  • • When does it hurt

  • • How long have you had it

  • • Any swelling or redness

  • • Family history of arthritis

He may wish to perform a movement test and have some x-rays taken.

Inflammation from your arthritis is a significant source of pain. Your physician may recommend OTC medicines or a prescription.

You should be aware of alternatives such as natural supplements and physical exercise.

Nettle Leaf Extract This supplement appears to suppress TNF-alpha and IL-1-beta. Nettle leaf may inhibit inflammatory cascade in rheumatoid arthritis. Also joint protection is assisted with nettle leaf.

MSM: Msm contain Sulfur and anti-inflammatory properties

Glucosamine Sulfate/Chondroitin: Reduces joint pain and may substantially rebuild cartilage. This may take a while to see results.

Fish Oil: DHA, EPA and Omega 3 found in quality fish oil. Reduces painful inflammation and may promote joint lubrication. Look for a high quality, low mercury supplements like Carlson's fish oils. Flax seed is another practical choice.

Try high quality multivitamins such as Purity's Perfect Multi Super Greens.

Vitamin E: Use a natural product like Vitamin E-8 daily.

Cherries: Recent research has shown that tart cherries contain powerful antioxidants that may help relieve the pain of arthritis and gout and also protect the body against cardiovascular disease and inhibit cancer tumors.

There is also a cherry capsule that is very good named Fruit Advantage.

Exercise: Exercise is important not only for arthritis but your overall health.

Weight Control: Even modest weight loss will bring healthy results. Start slow if you need to, and then try to reach your target weight.

Stress: Ah Stress. This one unnecessarily causes us so many health concerns. It practically seems to be the source of most health problems.

There are many options to help deal with excess stress. Exercise is one of these. Even if you begin by walking to the corner and back, then around the block pretty soon you will be walking a mile or more.

Other things you may consider are Yoga, Meditation, Music and a new hobby.

There is a rather unique procedure I came across a while back called Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT for short. This works on the principles of Acupressure and Acupuncture.

Wait! Don't let that intimidate you. Even though EFT is a remarkable tool it is actually easy to grasp. I personally have seen significant results. You won't have to poke yourself at all. It just basically requires limited number of words and some tapping on certain key points.

So don't give up. There are many options for you to vastly improve your health.

Copyright 2005 Lambert Klein

About The Author

Lambert Klein is the owner of Think Healthy supplements and products.

Arthritis supplements can be found at Think Healthy.


Nutrition and healthy eating are not the foremost concern for most girls. How many millions of teens eat at McDonald's every night, drink soda as their only beverage, have a sugary cereal, or just skip breakfast altogether, and usually don't have any fruits or vegetables at all? Some of the long-term effects of these poor nutrition habits are:

  • greater risk for heart disease
  • increased risk for certain cancers
  • weakened immune system
  • weight gain
  • osteoporosis, the list goes on and on.

Why would anyone willingly subject themselves and their bodies to this after getting all the information? One reason is because they don't get this information. The food industry spends billions of dollars a year to get us, the consumers to buy their products. We get a lot of mixed messages. Teenage girls have to learn not to listen to advertising, but to eat foods that are good for them and that will keep them healthy.

What you eat now has a tremendous impact on your health in the years to come. This list has been compiled in the hopes that all of us will realize that and decide to do something about it.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Aktif di Tempat Kerja

Amalkan aktiviti fizikal di tempat kerja setiap hari.

1. Berhenti melakukan kerja (x-break) untuk melakukan aktiviti fizikal berintensiti sederhana beberapa minit sehingga mencapai kumulatif 30 minit setiap hari. Contohnya:

  • berjalan pantas 10 minit setiap kali

  • bekerja sambil mengangkat barang 5 minit setiap kali

  • senaman ringan menggunakan fitball

  • lompat tali skipping beberapa minit
2. Gunakan waktu rehat bekerja untuk aktiviti fizikal. Contoh: Senaman Regangan
3. "Deep Breathing Exercise" sebanyak 5-10 kali setiap sesi dalam masa 2 jam.

4. Menggunakan fitball sebagai kerusi ditempat kerja.

5. Banyakkan aktiviti naik dan turun tangga dari menggunakan lif di tempat kerja.

6. Banyak melakukan regangan pada otot-otot skeletal dan menggerakkan sendi-sendi besar (gerakan kalistenik)

7. Sertai sesi aktiviti fizikal yang dianjurkan seperti senamrobik.

8. Gunakan kemudahan sukan dan riadah yang disediakan. Contoh Gimnasium dan Joging.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Faedah Kecergasan Fizikal

Membina daya tahan kardiovaskular dan otot

  • Membantu jantung, paru-paru dan sistem peredaran darah kekal sihat
  • Menjadikan kita lebih bertenaga contohnya berjalan laju, berlari2 anak, berbasikal, berenang, bersukan dan aerobik.

Membina kekuatan dan daya tahan otot

  • Membantu tulang dan otot kekal kuat
  • Memperbaiki postur
  • Mencegah penyakit tulang seperti osteoporosis contohnya menaiki tangga, mengangkat dan membawa barang2, senam tekan tubi dan senaman bangun tubi

Membina Kelenturan (fleksibiliti)

  • Membantu pergerakan badan
  • Merehatkan otot2
  • Memudahkan pergerakan sendi contoh senaman regangan, mencuci lantai, taichi dan yoga

Lakukan Aktiviti Fizikal

Aktiviti fizikal didefinisikan sebagai sebarang pergerakan anggota badan yang menggunakan tenaga. Aktiviti fizikal penting bagi mengekalkan dan meningkatkan tahap kecergasan diri serta dapat mengurangkan risiko perlbagi penyakit.

Jadikan ianya sebagai asas kesejahteraan dalam hidup.

- meningkatkan taraf kesihatan dan kualiti hidup
- menyumbang kepada kecergasan fizikal dan kecerdasan mental
- membantu mengurangkan risiko pelbagai penyakit yang disebabkan oleh gaya hidup sedentari seperti:
a) Penyakit jantung koronari
b) Penyakit angin ahmar / Strok
c) Darah tinggi
d) Diabetes
e) Kegemukan / obesiti
f) Arthritis / penyakit sendi
g) Osteoporosis

Mengamal cara hidup sihat

Kunci untuk kehidupan yang sihat adalah mengamalkan cara hidup sihat:

Makan Secara Sihat
Lakukan Aktiviti Fizikal
Tidak Merokok
Belajar Menangani Stress

Faedah cara hidup sihat:
• Meningkatkan status kesihatan anda
• Mengurangkan risiko anda mendapat pelbagai penyakit seperti diabetes, serangan jantung, strok (angin ahmar)dan tekanan darah tinggi
• Membuat anda kelihatan dan berasa lebih baik
• Membolehkan anda memiliki stamina dan keupayaan yang lebih untuk menikmati kehidupan