Friday, April 30, 2010

Healthy Nutrition For Children

by: John Gibb

When growing up, it’s important to have healthy nutrition for children. Since their bodies are in a state of constant growth, a lack of vitamins and minerals can result in poor growth processes and problems later in life. It is important for your child to eat a variety of healthy foods, balance the food they eat with regular physical activity, and choose a diet with the right nutrients.

For instance, a child’s growing body requires high levels of calcium and iron, sometimes even more than adults. Iron is crucial to a child’s development since it is used in developing strong muscles and producing blood, while calcium helps bones and teeth grow strong. These substances can be found in various foods, but it can be more helpful to get your children a supplement to help aid these needs.

Children of schooling age require around 1600 to 2400 calories per day, depending on their age and activity level. Once the growth spurt occurs, girls tend to require an additional 200 calories per day and boys need an extra 500 calories. No more than 30% of your child’s diet should come from fats. To maintain healthy nutrition for children, this can help to prevent obesity and other health problems. It is also important for your child to get a daily variety of vegetables. Requiring two to four servings of vegetables per day, children can meet these guidelines by eating such vegetables as salad greens and legumes. These vegetables contain nutrients key to a child’s development.

Children should also have 2-4 servings of fruit per day, and 6 to 11 servings of bread, cereal, rice or pasta. 2 to 3 servings of meat, beans, or nuts per day are also key to help a child develop properly. Following these steps, healthy nutrition for children can be a breeze. Just be sure to get all their daily requirements covered and your child will thank you later.

About The Author

John Gibb

For more information on nutrition, be sure to check out

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Why Have Healthy Nutrition?

by: John Gibb

While many people know that there are benefits to having a good nutritional plan, few regard it as being very important. Many people wonder, why have healthy nutrition?

In a world where fast food is quicker, simpler, and sometimes better tasting, its easy to get tempted by what the corporations have to offer us. Gone are the days of eating every meal at home. Regarding this, we need to keep a more watchful eye over our nutrition intake to make sure our body can be in the best working order.

Why have healthy nutrition? The benefits are many. The human body needs various nutrients and minerals to keep it functioning in tip-top shape, and the only way this can be accomplished is by maintaining a healthy diet including vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are necessary to the body for many different reasons; they are crucial for obtaining energy, helping your body grow, and repairing worn out tissues. If your diet lacks certain necessary vitamins, your health may suffer. Therefore, the primary benefits of healthy nutrition are mainly that it keeps your health up.

A sound nutritional schedule is recommended by doctors when a patient is inflicted with any of a number of diseases. Keeping your nutrition up when afflicted with such diseases as cancer or aids can be key to your survival. These are just a few of the benefits of a healthy nutrition. In addition, keeping fit by exercising while maintaining a healthy nutritional plan can result in higher levels of energy, higher self esteem and a generally better feeling of well-being.

As you can see, there are many answers to the question “Why have healthy nutrition”, and all of them point to a better way of life. While the temptations of fast foods and junk can be great, some simple will-power and restraint can help you achieve levels of health you didn’t even know were possible.

About The Author

John Gibb manages

The site dedicated to nutrition.

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Nutrition And Healthy Eating – What You Should Know

by: John Gibb

Many people think that they can achieve a healthy lifestyle simply by maintaining a diet that prevents obesity. While keeping trim is one aspect of being nutritionally sound, there are many other factors that figure into getting your body working in the best possible shape.

Your body needs plenty of nutrients to stay in its best condition, and a diet simply isn’t enough. A combination of receiving nutrition and healthy eating can result in great things for your health. For instance, your body requires a daily amount of calcium. If you cannot achieve these daily guidelines, the calcium levels in your blood will drop. This will disrupt nerve communication and hinder blood clotting. If you neglect your calcium levels long enough, the bloodstream will begin to sap the very calcium that makes up your bones. This results in brittle bones, the onset of the dreaded osteoporosis.

Also, it’s important to get your daily vitamins. Vitamins A, B-complex, C, D, E, and K are all necessary on a daily basis to maintain your health. They contain antioxidants that help your body fight off the negative effects of free radicals – molecules that attack the cell membranes in your body. A lack of these vitamins can result in a range of symptoms, from things as simple as chapped lips to long-forgotten diseases such as scurvy, caused by a lack of vitamin C.

Of course, nutrition and healthy eating go hand in hand; while vitamins and minerals are required, it is also important to get the right amounts of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Without enough protein, your body is unable to repair damaged tissues, or create new tissues. Carbohydrates are key in providing your body with the energy it needs for your day-to-day tasks. Fat is also important, as too low a fat level can be detrimental to the body.

Now that you have an idea of some of the nutrients daily, you need get off your butt and start exercising. Exercise will do wonders for your whole body, mind, and even spiritual state if pursued long enough.

About The Author

John Gibb manages

The site dedicated to nutrition.

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Attaining Healthy Nutrition Habits: How You Can Do It

by: John Gibb

Question: What nutrients does my body need to maintain healthy nutrition habits?

Answer: There are plenty of nutrients that can help your body become the picture of health. Vitamin A is a key nutrient that can be found in fruits and vegetables. Aiding cell reproduction, Vitamin A helps vision, promotes bone and tooth development, and helps to maintain healthy skin, hair, and mucous membranes. A lack of this vitamin can cause such woes as night blindness, poor bone growth, dry skin, and weak tooth enamel.

Doctors recommend 10,000 IU a day for an adult male, and 8,000 per day for adult females to maintain healthy nutrition habits.

Vitamin C is another one of the most important vitamins for maintaining your health. 60 milligrams per day are recommended for adults of both sexes. This vitamin works as an antioxidant, protecting your body’s tissues from the damage of oxidation. Vitamin C also has been found to be an effective antiviral agent, protecting your body from various sicknesses.

A key factor in attaining healthy nutrition habits is to keep your mineral consumption at its proper levels. The word “mineral” describes any non-carbon based compound that serves a function in the body. Some build bones and teeth, while others perform such tasks as regulating muscle contraction. Minerals are classified into two groups based on the human body’s need for them.

Major minerals are minerals that our bodies require in amounts greater than 100 milligrams per day. Major minerals include calcium, phosphorous and magnesium.

Minor minerals are minerals our body needs less then 100 milligrams per day of. Iron, zinc, and iodine all fall under the minor minerals category.

Proper usage of these minerals combined with a diet that fits your life style can lead you well on your way to attaining healthy nutrition habits.

About The Author

John Gibb manages

The site dedicated to nutrition.

Health for a Lifetime only at :

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

7 Langkah Bijak Mengurangkan Gula

1. Minumlah air kosong berbanding minuman manis seperti air berkarbonat, air sirap dan kordial.

2. Hadkan penggunaan gula, susu pekat manis, susu isian pekat manis dan krimer manis kepada 1 sudu teh sahaja untuk setiap cawan minuman.

3. Elak atau hadkan penggunaan gula dalam masakan. Sediakan kuih dan kek yang rendah kandungan gula.

4. Elakkan mengambil snek dan minuman yang bergula di antara hidangan utama dan sebelum waktu tidur.

5. Gantikan pencuci mulut seperti kuih, kek dan bubur dengan pilihan yang lebih sihat seperti buah-buahan.

6. Baca label dan elakkan produk makanan dan minuman di mana gula tersenarai di bahagian awal senarai ramuan.

7. Pilih produk makanan dan minuman yang dilabel "rendah gula" dan "bebas gula”.

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Eczema - MIRACLE or Purely Coincidental

Eczema - MIRACLE or Purely Coincidental

by: Kacy Carr

Infected persons of the skin disease/disorder eczema are in the millions, it is an uncomfortable road ahead for any sufferer while treatments are carried out to control the symptoms.

One of the offending symptoms is that of intense itching; a sufferer finds contentment in scratching the offending area where they sometimes use an instrument like a hairbrush, which can be very dangerous therefore making the condition worse. In some cases the whole of the body is massacred and abused by this disease from head to toe. The skin of the patient is crusted with scaly patches creases and cracks. Areas behind the back of the knee caps in between the elbows even the private parts I found to be the worse nook and crannies infected by eczema.

Unaware with his/her compulsive scratching the patient has not realised that they have caused the cracked skin to become an open wound, which is now vulnerable to infections. Adults have a far better chance in controlling eczema than that of kiddies. Young children do not understand how serious this complaint can escalate into if attacked by the human hands.

This skin disease can be so severe at times where patients are wet wrapped and admitted to hospital. Eczema if brought in contact with certain substances can irate the skin of the sufferer even more, causing the ailment to flare up and react in many different nasty ways. Please check with your local GP on these irritants that causes more pain and suffering to the patient.

Steroid creams are prescribed in severe cases and is very commonly used to ease and control this vicious skin disorder. We also have herbal remedies and cures. I state most importantly before buying over the shop counter that you consult your doctor.

Is it a miracle?

I entered the house of God on the day of my little baby sons christening. His face covered with spots and his red raw weeping neck made me feel helpless as a mother. My little boy was ravished from head to toe with eczema.

Onto my little baby with no name at the time I blessed him while at the same time sprinkling a little holy water onto his neck.

The eczema was still with him for many years, but his neck was cleared of the eczema from that very day. I sometimes now wish I had had held him by the heel just like Achilles mother.

I will never know was this a miracle or just a coincidence. What I do know is that you believe in what you want to believe so I end this article with a thank you to GOD.

If you have any concerns please check my health page at

About The Author

Kacy Carr

I have seen cases of eczema that would make you cry, But there are remedies that can help ease the pain and mental stress. Please go to my health page for help and advice at

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Pendarahan Darah Haid Yang Berlebihan(Menorrhagia)

Menorrhagia bermaksud pendarahan darah haid yang lebih dari 80ml setiap kitaran haid. Agak sukar untuk menentukan pendarahan berlebihan secara objektif, akan tetapi kalau pendarahan haid itu menyebabkan kualiti hidup seseorang wanita itu terjejas, ia boleh diklasifikasikan sebagai menorrhagia. Ini termasuk terpaksa menggunakan dua tuala wanita sekali gus, atau pendarahan yang hingga melimpah mengotori kain atau tilam.  

Kebanyakkan kes tidak mempunyai sebab-sebab tertentu.Di antara sebab-sebab yang boleh dikenal pasti adalah:
  • Gangguan hormon menyebabkan pendarahan rahim
  • Polip pangkal rahim atau rahim (ketumbuhan bukn kanser dari selaput rahim atau serviks)
  • Endometriosis (selaput dalam rahim yang terdapat di luar rahim secara
    tidak normal)
  • Fibroid (ketumbuhan dari otot rahim)
  • Kekurangan atau berlebihan rembesan hormon tiroid dari kelenjar tiroid
Sebab-sebab lain:
  • Akil baligh atau permulaan haid
  • IUCD (Alat mencegah kehamilan di dalam rahim)
  • Cystic glandular hyperplasia (masalah selaput rahim yang tebal)
  • Penyakit radang pelvis (PID) yang kronik (Hyperlink PID)
  • Sindrom Polycystik ovari (PCOS)
Sebab-sebab yang jarang:
  • Masalah kelenjar pituitari atau rembesan hormon prolactin yang berlebihan.
  • Penyakit hati atau ginjal
  • Penyakit darah
  • Kanser Endometrium (kanser selaput rahim)
  • T.B. endometrium (T.B. selaput rahim)
Sesetengah ubat-ubatan boleh menyebabkan pendarahan haid yang banyak seperti ubat yang boleh mencairkan darah atau kemoterapi (untuk kanser).


Sejarah pesakit perlu ditanya oleh doktor supaya dapat mencari sebab-sebab pendarahan haid (seperti di atas). Anda akan ditanya berapa tuala wanita (pad) yang digunakan sehari termasuk simptom-simptom lain (seperti kekurangan darah dsb). Anda mungkin diminta mengisi satu borang carta yang boleh menolong memberi gambaran ringkas kadar darah haid yang anda alami.
Ujian darah boleh mengesan anaemia (kurang darah), yang boleh disebabkan oleh pendarahan yang banyak dan berlebihan. Ujian Ultrasound rahim boleh mengesan fibroid, polip atau kanser. Jikalau doktor anda tidak dapat mengesan sebab-sebab pendarahan, anda akan dirujuk kepada pakar ginekologi untuk rawatan lanjutan.

Rawatan termasuk ubat-ubatan dan pembedahan.

Asid Tranexamic adalah ubat yang paling mujarab. Ia boleh mengurangkan pendarahan haid dan diambil pada hari-hari haid sahaja. Ia tidak mengurangkan masa pendarahan tetapi lebih mengurangkan kuantiti pendarahan. Ubat-ubat lain seperti anti-radang (Mefenamic acid - Ponstan) juga boleh digunakan. Ia mungkin kurang efektif berbanding asid tranexamic tetapi boleh mengurangkan sakit senggugut.

Pil perancang boleh mengurangkan pendarahan haid berlebihan, sakit sengugut dan pada masa sama menghindar mengandung.

Pembedahan pula termasuk pembedahan membuang rahim (hysterectomy) atau membuang selaput rahim (endometrium). Prosedur membuang selaput rahim ini dipanggil ablasi endometrium. Ablasi ini merangkumi pembakaran dengan tenaga elektrik atau gelombang mikro. Mereka yang menjalani pembedahan hysterectomy tidak akan mengalami pendarahan haid lagi, akan tetapi keperluan membuat pembedahan ini perlu diimbang kosnya yang mahal dan kesan sampingan lain.

Ablasi endometrium adalah pilihan yang baik jikalau pesakit tidak mahu menjalani pembedahan histerektomi. Rawatan ablasi yang menggunakan gelombang mikrowave boleh didapati di kebanyakan hospital-hospital besar di Malaysia.
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