Thursday, January 31, 2008

When Is Best Time To Eat Protein For Building Muscles|Muscle Growth?

by: Chris Chew

Every bodybuilder and fitness enthusiast knows that you must eat enough protein for muscle growth. Without the amino acids of protein, your muscles cannot grow no matter how hard and often you train your. Protein is the building block of muscles and there are no other nutrients to substitute protein for muscle growth.

It is recommended that if you want to grow and build muscle mass, the rule is to eat one gram of protein per pound of your body weight per day. That is a lot of protein which many people cannot get in their normal dietary meals and protein supplementation is often necessary. Without eating enough protein, all your muscle building training in the gym will be futile. Such a waste isn’t it?

So when is the best time to eat protein to optimize muscle growth? How and which type of protein should you eat to get spectacular muscular growth?

•Eat protein first thing in the morning – After a good night’s sleep, your body is in a catabolic state. That means your body is burning your muscle for energy since your glycogen store is low. So eat quickly digestible protein such as whey protein the first thing in the morning even before you brush your teeth to prevent your muscle wasting away or catabolism.

•Eat protein between your meals – To keep protein flowing in your bloodstream so as to feed your muscles continuously throughout the day, take casein protein in between your meals. Casein protein is slow to digest and as such will continuously release protein into your bloodstream to feed your muscles for many hours in between your meals. In this way, your muscles will be constantly receiving protein throughout the day.

•Protein before/after gym workout – It is a known fact that eating fast to digest protein such as whey protein before your workout will promote muscle growth as your muscles are being fed as you training to build muscles. Then take whey protein again after your workout along with some carbohydrates to repair your muscle cells after you have damaged them during your workout.

•Protein before bed – Since you will be going without food for many hours when you sleep and muscle building is at its optimum when you sleep, you must encourage your muscle to grow by eating casein protein before you sleep. As casein protein is slow to digest, it will continuously feed your muscles for as long as seven hours when you sleep and thus encouraging your muscles to build and grow.

So now that you know when is the best time to eat protein and to encourage building muscles, follow these tips and see your muscles growing like you have never seen before.

About The Author

Chris Chew is a fitness trainer of fashion models, actors and male pageant competitors. He is also the creator and author of Burn Fat Build Muscles Fast System. See his websites and

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Improve Your Mood with 5-HTP Supplements

by: Chester Ku-Lea

What is 5-HTP?

The Griffonia Extract is rich in 5-HydroxyTryptophan (5-HTP), which comes from an African vegetable, the Griffonia simplicifolia seed, and contains 30% 5–HTP. 5-HTP is an amino acid that is a direct precursor of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter having pain soothing and relaxing effects. 5-HTP is not present in significant amounts in a typical diet. The human body manufactures 5-HTP from L-tryptophan, a natural amino acid found in most dietary proteins. However, eating food that contains L-tryptophan does not significantly increase 5-HTP levels.

5-HTP and Serotonin

5-HTP is the precursor to serotonin. It improves mood, anxiety and is beneficial in weight loss. 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is an amino acid that is the intermediate step between tryptophan and the important brain chemical serotonin. There is a massive amount of evidence that suggests that low serotonin levels are a common consequence of modern living. The lifestyle and dietary practices of many people living in this stress-filled era results in lowered levels of serotonin within the brain.

5-HTP and Carb Cravings

Researchers believe that inadequate serotonin levels are in part responsible for the desire to overeat. Not surprisingly, obese individuals who crave carbohydrates usually show abnormally low levels of serotonin. Taking a 5-HTP supplement half an hour before a meal can " turn off" cravings and hunger pangs by feeding the brains carbohydrate satiety center. In this way 5-HTP can be a great asset as part of a weight-loss regime.

5-HTP and Addiction

The use of many addictive substances, such as tobacco, alcohol, caffeine and certain narcotics, elevates serotonin levels. When these substances are eliminated, serotonin levels drop drastically, causing anxiety and cravings. Taking 5-HTP can stabilize serotonin levels and help minimize the symptoms of withdrawal.

5-HTP and PMS

PMS sufferers report pain relief, as well as decreased irritability and mood swings from using 5-HTP. The supplement works by countering the hormone-induced decrease in serotonin levels that occur naturally during menstruation.

5-HTP and Sleep

Because of its calming effect, many rely on 5-HTP to alleviate stress-attacks, as well as to encourage restful sleep. Unlike sedative drugs, 5-HTP is not associated with unwanted side effects, such as disturbed sleep patterns or grogginess. It can be taken regularly one hour before retiring as a remedy for insomnia.

Side Effects

Very high intakes of 5-HTP have caused muscle jerks in guinea pigs and both muscle jerks and diarrhea in mice. Injected 5-HTP has also caused kidney damage in rats. To date, these problems have not been reported in humans. “Serotonin syndrome,” a serious but uncommon condition caused by excessive amounts of serotonin, has not been reported to result from supplementation with 5-HTP; in theory it could be triggered by the supplement. However, the level of intake at which this toxic effect might potentially occur remains unknown.


5-HTP should not be taken with antidepressants, weight-control drugs, other serotonin-modifying agents, or substances known to cause liver damage, because in these cases 5-HTP may have excessive effects. People with liver disease may not be able to regulate 5-HTP adequately and those suffering from autoimmune diseases such as scleroderma may be more sensitive than others, to 5-HTP. These people should not take 5-HTP without consulting a knowledgeable healthcare professional. The safety of taking 5-HTP during pregnancy and breast-feeding is not known at this time.

Conditions with low serotonin levels helped by 5-HTP:

• Depression

• Obesity

• Carbohydrate craving

• Bulimia

• Insomnia

• Narcolepsy

• Sleep apnea

• Migraine headaches

• Tension headaches

• Chronic daily headaches

• Premenstrual syndrome

• Fibromyalgia

About The Author

Chester Ku-Lea is a health nutrition consultant and is the owner of - a provider of premium health nutrition and sports supplements.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Dalam saluran penghadaman yang tidak berfungsi dengan baik, toksin boleh membentuk sisa makanan yang tidak dapat dihadamkan, menukarkan sisa-sisa kepada kompaun reaktif lalu mengakibatkan pengumpulan bahan buangan dalam kolon.

Sisa buangan ini akan mula mereput, menghasilkan bakteria dan toksin. Toksin-toksin ini akhirnya menyelinap masuk ke dalam dinding usus besar di mana kapilari darah akan menyerapnya dan mengangkut sisa buangan tersebut ke seluruh badan.

Jika sistem keimunan badan seseorang adalah sihat dan organ yang penting untuk proses perkumuhan seperti kulit, buah pinggang, kolon, limpa dan hati berfungsi pada tahap optimum, badan boleh mengeluarkan sisa-sisa ini dengan sendirinya.

Namun, badan kita mungkin gagal untuk mengumuhkan sisa-sisa ini atas sebab-sebab tertentu. Jika toksin diserap dengan lebih cepat oleh badan berbanding dengan keupayaannya untuk membuang toksin tersebut, keadaan bertoksik akan wujud dalam badan kita.

Berhenti meracuni sel badan kita!

Hasil penyelidikan mendapati tahap hormone tekanan yang tinggi seperti adrenalin dan kortisol, boleh mengubah “saluran penyahtoksinan bermanfaat” kepada “saluran penyahtoksinan membahayakan”, dan seterusnya mendorong toksin seperti radikal bebas wujud dalam badan.

Radikal bebas ini boleh mengakibatkan kemusnahan sel melalui satu proses yang dikenali sebagai pengoksidaan, iaitu satu faktor penting lain yang menyumbang kepada tahap toksin yang tinggi dalam badan.

Dalam sesetengah keadaan, usus besar tidak berupaya mengumuhkan toksin, sebaliknya toksin tersebut diserap balik ke dalam aliran darah. Proses ini dikenali sebagai pengtoksinan-auto. Pengambilan makanan yang tidak berzat, alahan kepada makanan dan antibiotik yang boleh membunuh flora semula jadi dalam badan, sembelit dan pertumbuhan bakteria berbahaya yang berlebihan akan meningkatkan proses pengtoksinan-auto ini.

Kandungan toksin dan bakteria berbahaya yang berlebihan dalam badan akan menjejaskan fungsi enzim dan seterusnya mengelakkan aktiviti sel yang biasa, khususnya di dalam sistem otak dan saraf.

Bebaskan badan kita daripada sampah ini!

Jika kita berusaha kuat untuk membersihkan badan kita tetapi membiarkan sisa buangan dikumpulkan dengan banyak di dalam organ perkumuhan tanpa memastikan ia dibuang dengan cara yang sepatutnya, sisa buangan ini pasti akan diserap semula ke dalam sel badan kita.

Apabila badan kita menemui toksin, hanya terdapat beberapa cara untuk mengendalikannya: menyembunyikannya dalam lemak, membuangnya ke dalam tisu seperti otot dan organ atau mengumuhkannya sebagai sisa buangan.

Untuk mengelakkan sebarang kesan buruk, organ badan kita memerlukan bantuan tambahan untuk mengumuhkan sisa buangan yang terkumpul di dalam badan, iaitu melalui “perkhidmatan pengendalian bahan buangan”. Semasa proses pembersihan badan, bahan buangan akan disalurkan kepada 5 organ perkumuhan yang utama untuk dikumuhkan iaitu kulit, buah pinggang, kolon, limpa dan hati.

Badan yang dibebani dengan kandungan toksin akan menunjukkan simptom-simptom seperti penghadaman yang tidak sempurna, sembelit, kembung perut, kelesuan, berat badan naik, keadaan kulit yang tidak sihat, tekanan mental, tidur yang tidak lena, ruam kulit, sakit tekak, daya tumpuan lemah, sakit kepala, mulut berbau, tahap glukos darah yang tidak seimbang, mukus berlebihan dan badan berbau. Pengamal perubatan semula jadi percaya bahawa simptom-simptom ini menunjukkan tahap toksin dalam badan yang sangat tinggi.

Monday, January 28, 2008


Rawatan Diabetes

Memilih tempat suntikan

Bagi memastikan penyerapan insulin dengan betul, suntikan hendaklah diberi terus ke dalam tisu subkutaneus (lapisan di bawah kulit).


Cubitan hendaklah dilakukan dengan betul menggunakan ibu jari dan jari telunjuk/jari hantu. Kemudian tarik bahagian kulit (dermis) dan tisu subkutaneus sahaja ke atas tanpa melibatkan otot.
Lepaskan lipatan kulit apabila jarum telah ditarik keluar. Jangan lepaskan terlalu awal kerana ia akan tersuntik bahagian otot.

Cubit selipatan kulit yang bersih antara ibu jari dan jari telunjuk sebelum mencucuk jarum perlahan-lahan masuk ke dalam lipatan kulit tersebut pada sudut 900. Ada ketika tertentu anda gagal untuk membuat cubitan (seperti mengalami penyakit artritis) atau anda memilih untuk tidak mencubit. Dalam keadaan tersebut anda perlu menyuntik pada sudut 450 bagi mengelakkan anda menyuntik masuk ke dalam otot.

Tempat-tempat suntikan yang utama

Terdapat perbezaan ketebalan kulit di beberapa bahagian di badan kita yang boleh digunakan untuk suntikan insulin. Kecepatan atau kelajuan penyerapan insulin adalah penting. Setiap tempat mempunyai kadar atau pola penyerapan yang berbeza-beza.

Bagi membolehkan ramalan terhadap kesan dos insulin dibuat dengan betul atau tepat, seseorang itu perlu memilih sesuatu tempat secara tetap untuk waktu-waktu tertentu dalam sehari, seperti yang tertera pada rajah di bawah:

Kelajuan penyerapan













Kesan sampingan biasa yang akan di alami oleh pesakit ialah seperti debaran jantung, kekeliruan, berpeluh dan atropi (penyusutan tisu akibat kemerosotan sel) atau hipertropi (penambahan saiz tisu akibat pembesaran sel-sel) pada tisu lemak subkutaneus di tempat suntikan.

(Berbincanglah dengan doktor anda jika anda mengalami masalah di atas. Jangan berhenti menggunakan insulin tanpa memaklumkannya kepada doktor anda)

Terapi atau rawatan yang tidak menggunakan insulin selalunya diberikan kepada pesakit Diabetes Jenis II. Ianya merangkumi pemakanan (diet), senaman dan ubat makan.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

How To Lower Your Cholesterol

by: Gray Rollins

The risk of heart disease is greatly increased if you have high cholesterol. This can include potentially fatal heart attacks. Lowering cholesterol is recommended to lead a more healthy life and maintain a healthy heart. High cholesterol causes hardening of the arteries which reduces blood flow to the heart. This may result in chest pains or heart attack.

Favorable cholesterol levels should be less than 200. Anything over 240 is considered high risk. For severely high cholesterol it is recommended to seek consultation with a medical professional for treatment and medications. A physician will test the blood to determine the exact levels and to determine whether drug therapy is necessary. There are a number of drugs available to lower cholesterol. Your physician will be able to recommend one that is best. These include nicotinic acid and cholesterol absorption inhibitors

Most drug therapies are also used in tandem with lifestyle changes. Natural remedies are available in grocery stores, health food stores and pharmacies. Changing eating habits, toxic intake and activity levels will help lower cholesterol.

Low fat foods, especially green leafy vegetables are beneficial in your diet and will help reduce cholesterol. Ensuring a balanced diet from all food groups is ideal. Choose fresh fruits, fish, grains and soy. Avoid foods such as butter, margarine, prepackaged foods, junk foods and fast foods. These types are typically high in trans-fats, which are particularly damaging.

If you smoke, it can increase the chances of having high cholesterol. Quitting will not only help this but will also reduce several other medical risks. Also reduce your total caloric intake and maintain a healthy weight. Regular aerobic exercise will help achieve this. Lower the amount of alcohol consumption. Also, lessening your intake of caffeine such as coffee and tea will help.

There are several vitamins and supplements that can help lower cholesterol levels. Vitamin E, artichoke leaf extract, niacin and chromium are all reported to help control high levels of cholesterol. When using these options while on medication consult a physician for correct dosage. Some natural remedies will also react adversely with certain combinations so it is suggested you disclose all eating habits and dietary supplements to your doctor.

Heart disease is a potentially fatal condition that affects millions of people annually. Reducing the amount of cholesterol in your blood will help lower the risk of a heart attack. Taking medications per your doctor’s orders, making lifestyle changes and taking supplements can vastly improve your odds of remaining healthy.

About The Author

Gray Rollins is a featured writer for FixCholesterol. To learn more about how to lower your cholesterol, visit and


Gejala diabetes untuk kedua-dua jantina, tua ataupun muda adalah serupa. Pesakit diabetes yang tidak bergantung kepada insulin mungkin hanya mendapat sedikit sahaja gejala di atas ataupun tidak mempunyai gejala langsung.

Tindak balas hipoglisemia

Di samping tindak balas atau reaksi hiperglisemia (paras gula yang tinggi dalam darah), tindak balas hipoglisemia (paras gula yang rendah dalam darah) juga boleh berlaku kesan dari: pengambilan insulin yang berlebihan, melangkau makan, terlalu banyak bersenam, penyakit, pengambilan alkohol dan masa antara pengambilan ubat dengan waktu makan yang tidak kena.

Tanda-tanda hipogisemia yang pertama ialah:

  • lapar

  • berpeluh

  • tidak dapat memberi tumpuan

  • debaran jantung

  • peningkatan keresahan

  • loya

Apa yang perlu dilakukan ketika berlakunya tindak balas hipoglisemia?

  • Minum sedikit air buah-buahan

  • Ambil 1/2 tin minuman ringan

  • Ambil 2 sudu teh gula pasir

  • Makan sedikit snek

  • Ambil 7 biji kekacang jeli

  • Gosokkan serbuk glukos ke gusi

(Pastikan anda sentiasa membawa gula-gula pada setiap masa bagi menghadapi kecemasan apabila paras gula dalam darah menurun).

Komplikasi Diabetes

Diabetes yang tidak dikawal dengan betul atau tidak didiagnos boleh merosakkan saluran darah dan saraf. Ini akan memberi kesan kepada jantung, buah pinggang, mata dan kaki (luka yang lambat sembuh) dan menyebabkan penentangan terhadap jangkitan terutamanya di kaki dan buah pinggang.

Ingat bahawa, komplikasi mata berlaku secara senyap terutamanya bagi diabetes Jenis II. Adalah penting untuk mengenali gejala-gejalanya lebih awal. Dapatkan pemeriksaan mata lebih kerap dan amalkan kebersihan kaki dengan baik.

Saturday, January 26, 2008



Diabetes merupakan satu sindrom atau penyakit akibat dari kekurangan atau hilangnya keberkesanan hormon insulin. Insulin membolehkan glukosa memasuki sel-sel dalam badan. Sel-sel ini kemudiannya menggunakan glukosa sebagai sumber tenaga. Tanpa insulin, paras glukosa darah akan meningkat. Dalam masyarakat Melayu ianya dikenali (secara tidak tepat) sebagai kencing manis.

Terdapat 2 jenis diabetes:

  • Diabetes yang bergantung kepada insulin (IDDM atau diabetes Jenis I).
  • Diabetes yang tidak bergantung kepada insulin (NIDDM atau diabetes Jenis II)

Diabetes Jenis I dan II dapat dibezakan seperti berikutnya:

Diabetes Jenis I (IDDM)

Diabetes Jenis II (NIDDM)

jarang berlaku tetapi keadaannya lebih teruk

biasa berlaku

terjadi di kalangan mereka yang lebih muda antara umur 10 hingga 16 tahun.

terjadi di kalangan mereka yang lebih dewasa yang berumur 35 tahun ke atas.

terjadi begitu cepat (pengeluaran insulin dari pankreas dimusnahkan).

terjadi secara perlahan-lahan (insulin yang dikeluarkan tidak mencukupi menyebabkan paras glukosa darah meningkat).

tidak mempunyai sejarah keluarga yang menghidap diabetes

mempunyai sejarah keluarga

tidak dikaitkan dengan kegemukan atau obesiti.

kejadian kegemukan sangat tinggi

pesakit akan mengalami tanda-tanda dan gejala amaran yang serius.

merupakan penyakit yang senyap, selalunya dikesan secara kebetulan atau selepas berlakunya komplikasi.

rawatan: pemakanan + suntikan insulin

rawatan: pemakanan + senaman (menurunkan berat badan) + ubat makan + suntikan insulin (bagi kes-kes tertentu).

(Petunjuk yang baik untuk menentukan atau mengesahkan penyakit diabetes ialah apabila paras glukosa melebihi 140gm/ml pada 2 kali pengambilan yang berbeza atau keputusan yang diambil dalam keadaan pesakit tidak berpuasa menunjukkan paras glukosa 200mg/ml atau lebih tinggi).

Tanda-tanda dan gejala amaran

  • Kerap membuang air kecil
  • Terasa amat dahaga
  • Kabur penglihatan
  • Nafas berbau manis
  • Penurunan berat badan
  • Keletihan
  • Luka yang lambat sembuh

Friday, January 25, 2008



Dari segi perubatan, pengambilan sedikit alkohol boleh menyembuhkan penyakit tertentu tetapi jika diambil berlebihan ia dianggap sebagai penyalahgunaan alkolhol dan boleh membawa kepada ketagihan alkohol. Ketagihan alkohol merupakan satu penyakit yang boleh memudaratkan kesihatan fizikal, tingkah laku dan emosi peminumnya.


    • Merosakkan tindak balas refleks mental dan fizikal.

    • Kanser otak, lidah, mulut, esofagus, larink dan pundi kencing.

    • Merosakkan organ hati seperti sirosis, steatosis dan hepatitis.

    • Ulser dan gastritis

    • Kecederaan otak dan masalah saraf

    • Masalah jantung dan tekanan darah

    • Kekurangan zat makanan dan gangguan dalam perut

    • Kegemukan (obesiti) atau berlebihan berat badan

    • Masalah seksual

    • Kecacatan kelahiran seperti sindrom alkohol janin (FAS)


FAS merupakan satu gejala yang sangat serius yang boleh dicegah. Ia boleh memberi kesan buruk kepada mangsa serta keluarganya. Kanak-kanak yang menghidapi FAS akan menderita sepanjang hayatnya akibat dari kesan masalah ini. Bayi yang lahir dengan FAS akan mengalami:

    • Kekurangan berat badan.

    • Kurang tinggi

    • Kepala kecil

    • Masalah jantung

    • Kecacatan kaki-tangan serta sendi

    • Koordinasi yang lemah

    • Hilang ingatan

    • Masalah pembelajaran

Masalah-masalah lain yang akan dialami oleh mangsa ialah masalah kesihatan mental, zaman persekolahan yang terganggu, kelakuan seksual yang luarbiasa, menghadapi masalah undang-undang, masalah dadah dan alkohol serta sukar menjaga diri dan anak-anak mereka. Mereka sering menjadi kutu rayau.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Bird Flu - Avian Influenza

Bird Flu - Avian Influenza

  • Avian Influenza (AI) or bird flu is a type of contagious disease infecting poultry and birds.
  • Influenza virus type A causes Avian Influenza. This virus has many subtypes. The H5N1 virus, which is the cause of the current outbreaks reported, can lead to high death rates among birds.
  • Migratory waterfowls are the natural reservoir of this virus.
  • Normally, this disease does not infect humans, but recent developments show that humans too can be infected if exposed to sick birds.

How This Disease Spreads

a) From birds to birds
This disease spreads among birds through droplets from the nose, saliva and droppings. This virus can survive in bird droppings up till 30 days.

b) From birds to humans
Humans can be infected through:

  • Direct contact with sick poultry, birds and their produce.
  • Droppings of sick birds.
  • Water contaminated with the droppings of sick birds.
  • Object sutch as containers, cages and clothes contaminated with the droppings of sick birds.

3. Signs and Symptomps
Signs & Symptoms of the Avian Influenza are:
  • High fever exceeding 38C
  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • Muscle pains
  • Joint pains
  • Fatigue

Complications of the infection can lead to pneumonia and death.

4. Groups at Risk
a) Farm workers
Those working on animal farms (poultry/birds) that may be infected.

b) poultry and bird traders
Poultry and bird sellers who handle eggs, storage containers and objects contaminated with bird droppings.

c) veterinary/health workers
Those involved in culling of sick birds.

5. Ways to Protect Yourself
  • Always engage in good animal husbandry practices such as wearing a mask to cover your nose and mouth, gloves and apron and boots.
  • Wash your hands with soap and clean water regularly.
  • Ensure youo only choose healthy meat and poultry products.
  • Obey all directions and regulations released by the government.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bahaya Toksin

Apakah Toksin?

Toksin didefinisikan sebagai bahan kimia atau unsur berbahaya yang dihasilkan secara semula jadi atau bukan semula jadi atau mana-mana bahan yang tidak boleh digunakan atau dibuang oleh badan kita.

Toksin mungkin beracun dan boleh mengakibatkan pelbagai ancaman kepada kesihatan daripada kanser (karsinogen), penyakit perut kepada penyakit pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran. Toksin juga boleh mengakibatkan gangguan dan menghasilkan kesan buruk di dalam badan.

Toksin berada di mana-mana sahaja

Badan kita dipenuhi dengan toksin dan diserap masuk ke dalam badan kita melalui udara yang kita sedut, air yang kita minum dan makanan yang kita ambil.

Di dalam rumah pula, cecair pencuci, asap rokok, pencair dan alat penyegar udara turut menyumbang kepada persekitaran bertoksin. Di luar rumah, toksin dibawa oleh asap ekzos kenderaan, asap kilang, ubat perosak, udara yang tercemar, dan bahan kimia pertanian.

Badan juga akan menghasilkan toksin semasa proses metabolisme. Ketegangan berlebihan, diet yang kurang seimbang dan gaya kehidupan tidak sihat boleh menyumbang kepada badan bertoksik.

Bagaimanakah diet boleh mempengaruhi kita?

Makanan yang kita ambil setiap hari, daripada makanan segera kepada makanan sedap dalam restoran popular boleh memberi kesan negatif kepada badan kita dan menentukan sama ada kita akan menghidap pelbagai penyakit kronik atau menikmati kehidupan yang sihat.

Pengambilan terlalu banyak karbohidrat seperti tepung putih dan roti adalah seperti memakan bahan pelekat atau gam kerana ia tidak boleh melalui usus dengan mudah, sebaliknya ia melalui usus dengan sangat perlahan, ia melekat pada dinding usus dan menjejaskan proses perkumuhan.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Acne Skin Care Treatments

by: Jerrick Foo

Acne sufferers today can choose from an array of products and regimens designed for acne skin care, both in prescription and over-the-counter preparations. Whether you are a teenager with typical hormone-driven breakouts, or are battling acne as an adult, you should be able to find a skin care treatment that gives you relief.

Acne skin care products target the problem of acne with several different strategies—some work by reducing the production of the oil glands, others by killing the P. acnes bacteria that cause the acne eruption, and others reduce the build-up of dead skin cells that leads to clogged pores. Several popular skin care products perform more than one of these functions.

The oldest commercial acne skin care treatment, and still one of the most widely available, is Benzoyl Peroxide. Sold in gels, creams, and washes, Benzoyl Peroxide fights acne by killing the P. acnes bacterium on the surface of the skin. It also has a drying and peeling effect, which may help reduce the severity of acne.

Users report that Benzoyl Peroxide can take four to six weeks of constant use to achieve full effect, but that it is a powerful tool in acne skin care when used faithfully. It can be found in commercial acne skin care products, such as Oxy 5 and Clearasil, but is also available in prescription strength.

Antibiotics are another common treatment used in acne skin care. Like Benzoyl Peroxide, they target the P. acnes bacterium, and can be found in gels and creams, but are usually administered as an oral medication. Common antibiotics used for acne treatment are Erythromycin, Clindamycin, and Tetracycline. Another aspect of antibiotic use in acne skin care is their anti-inflammatory effect, which reduces the redness and swelling of acne eruptions that have already occurred.

Additionally, Sodium Sulfacetamide and Azelaic Acid are prescribed to fight P. acnes bacteria, although neither are antibiotics.

Azelaic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Resorcinol, sulphur, and Adapalene are products that approach acne skin care with the intent to reduce clogged pores by peeling or sloughing off dead skins cells. Salicylic Acid is found in over-the-counter acne care products, such as Stridex, as are Resorcinol and sulphur.

While most acne skin care treatments in this group target the surface of the skin, Adapalene, a prescription-only medication, reduces the build-up of dead skin cells inside the pore itself. Also a prescription-only skin care product, Azelaic Acid has the added benefit of killing P. acnes bacteria.

To reduce oil production, there are two common acne skin care treatments: oral contraceptives, and Isotretinoin (Accutane). Of the two, Accutane, a vitamin A derivative, has the most severe side-effects, which include a high risk of birth defects, and is used for severe cases when other acne skin care regimens have failed.

Oral contraceptives work as an acne treatment because they are anti-androgens—they reduce levels of male hormones, specifically testosterone. Increased oil production in women has been linked to elevated levels of testosterone. Not all birth control pills work in the same manner, and the progestins used in some actually act like androgens, so be sure to inform your doctor if you wish your oral contraceptive to serve the dual purpose of acne skin care.

Every acne skin care product available today has side effects, some of them quite severe. Always consult your doctor or dermatologist, and read carefully all labels and warnings before beginning an acne skin care regimen.

About The Author

Jerrick Foo has been researching and developing all dry skin care the purpose of offering men and women safe, dry skin care tips. He have created Dry Skin Care Guide to share his 10 years of combined expertise with you. Visit for essential skin care tips.

Monday, January 21, 2008

What Is Refractive Eye Surgery?

by: Gray Rollins

Refractive eye surgery is a type of eye surgery that is used to rectify refractive errors of the eye and decrease dependency on corrective lenses such as eyeglasses and contact lenses. Successful refractive procedures can reduce myopia or nearsightedness, hyperopia or farsightedness, and astigmatism or elongated corneas. A number of different procedures exist for refractive eye surgery depending upon the type and severity of the refractive error.

There are four main types of refractive eye surgery procedures: flap and photoablation procedures; corneal incision procedures; thermal procedures; and implants. Currently, the most common refractive eye surgeries involve the use of lasers to reshape the cornea.

Flap procedures involve cutting a small flap in the cornea so that the tissue underneath can be reshaped to correct the refractive error. LASIK, short for Laser Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis, is the most popular refractive surgery and is used to correct myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. The LASIK procedure involves using a microkeratome or IntraLase to cut a flap into the stroma, moving the flap out of the way, removing excess corneal tissue with an excimer laser, then replacing and smoothing out the flap. LASEK is best suited for individuals with thin or flat corneas. The LASEK procedure uses a small trephine blade to cut into the shallow epithelium, after which the eye is bathed in a mild alcohol solution to soften the edges of the epithelium. The flap is gently moved out of the way so that an excimer laser can remove excess corneal tissue, after which the flap is replaced and smoothed out. Epi-LASIK, like LASEK, involves a shallow cut into the epithelium, but makes use of epikeratome to create a thin epithelium sheet for removal instead of the harsher blade and alcohol.

Photoablation, the second stage in flap procedures, makes use of ultraviolet radiation to remove excess corneal tissue. PRK, or photorefractive keratectomy, was the original laser eye surgery procedure. PRK involves numbing the eye with local anesthetic eye drops, and reshaping the cornea by destroying miniscule amounts of tissue from the surface of the eye. The laser used, an excimer laser, is a computer-controlled ultraviolet beam of light. It burns cool so as not to heat up and damage the surrounding eye tissue.

Corneal incision procedures such as radial keratotomy and arcuate keratotomy use miniscule incisions in the cornea to alter its surface and correct refractive errors. Radial keratotomy, or RK, uses a diamond tipped knife to make a number of spoke-shaped incisions in the cornea. The result of the incisions is that the cornea flattens out, minimizing the effects of myopia. Arcuate keratotomy, or AK, is very similar to RK. The diamond knife is used to cut incisions that are parallel to the edge of the cornea, as opposed to the spoke-shaped incisions of the RK procedure. These procedures have been much less common with the emergence of laser-assisted refractive eye surgeries.

Thermal procedures use heat to correct temporarily hyperopic refractive errors, or farsightedness. The thermal keratoplasty procedure involves putting a ring of 8 or 16 small burns on the eye immediately surrounding the pupil. The application of the heat increases the slope of the cornea, making it steeper, through thermal contractions. There are two main types of thermal keratoplasty. Laser Thermal Keratoplasty, or LTK, is a no-touch procedure that uses a holmium laser. Conductive Keratoplasty, or CK, uses a high-frequency electric probe.

The final type of refractive eye surgery involves the use of implants. Implantable contact lenses, or ICL, can be used to correct severe levels of myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. The implants are actually tiny contact lenses that are inserted through a small incision in the side of the cornea. Implants are seated so they sit immediately in front of the eye's natural lens just behind the cornea. ICL works in conjunction with the eye’s natural lens to refocus light on the retina and produce a crystal clear image.

Each of these procedures has its advantages and disadvantages, and not all individuals are suitable candidates for refractive eye surgery. Individuals who are interested in learning more about surgical options should contact their ophthalmologist for more information about these procedures, as well as inquire about other new cutting-edge procedures. Since ophthalmologic surgery is constantly growing and changing with emergence of new technologies and methods, there are always new techniques in development. As new equipment is developed and methods refined that can improve the success and minimize the side effects of refractive eye surgery, new procedures will emerge to replace outdated techniques.

About The Author

Gray Rollins is a featured writer for MyEyeSurgery. To learn more eye sugery visit: and

Sunday, January 20, 2008

What Are Orthotics?

by: Gray Rollins

Orthotics are orthopedic devices that are used to treat a variety of biomechanical foot disorders. Whenever a person's foot is not functioning as designed, the weight of the body is not properly transferred and distributed. As a result, pain and tenderness can develop in the foot, ankle, and the surrounding muscles. Orthotics work to relieve pain by realigning and supporting the ligaments and bones of the foot properly, so that the foot can function as normal.

Orthotics are can be made of any number of materials and range greatly in terms of price, effectiveness, and ease of availability. Simple orthotics, such as the shoe insoles and gel heel cups sold in general goods stores, are inexpensive and widely available. These over-the-counter orthotics can relieve mild foot discomfort by taking excess pressure off of sensitive areas of the foot. They are relatively ineffective, though, at treating moderate to more severe foot disorders.

The next step-up in orthotics are custom-tailored devices that are specifically designed to meet the needs of the particular individual. Such orthotics usually require a doctor's prescription since an impression of the foot, called a cast, needs to be made in order to identify those areas of the feet that are out of alignment. The resulting cast is sent to an orthotic laboratory so that a custom device can be produced to correct any misalignments. The orthotic is then fitted to the patient's shoe to help keep the foot properly aligned.

Since perfectly aligned feet are uncommon, nearly everyone stands to benefit from the use of an orthotic device. Orthotics can rarely cause harm to the foot. Instead they both prevent and alleviate any number of foot disorders that cause pain, fatigue, or discomfort in individuals who are otherwise happy and healthy. The extent to which your foot is maligned will determine the exact type of orthotic best suited for your foot.

How do you know if you may need an orthotic? Consider the following symptoms:

  • One side of the sole of your shoe typically wears out faster than the other side (the soles of your worn shoes are not flat)
  • Your feet point inward or outward more than normal when you walk
  • You have frequent heel, ankle, knee, hip, or lower back pain
  • You frequently sprain or twist your ankle
  • You have flat feet or feet with a high arch
  • Your shins frequently hurt or ache
  • Your toes are crooked
  • Your feet generally hurt after you spend more than a few moments standing on them

If you have one or more of these symptoms, you may be a good candidate for an orthotic device. Keep in mind that pain is your body's way is signaling you that something is wrong. Sore feet are no exception to this rule. Ignoring pain can intensify problems and lead into much more serious disorders, so it is important to find the underlying cause for your foot pain. Contact your local podiatrist to set up an appointment for an initial exam and find out if orthotics are right for you.

About The Author

Gray Rollins is a featured writer for ProstheticsCenter. To learn more about custom orthotics, visit and

Saturday, January 19, 2008

What Is Tumescent Liposuction?

by: Gray Rollins

Tumescent liposuction involves the surgical removal of excess body fat using a combination of traditional liposuction techniques and tumescent anesthesia. The procedure is relatively new to the cosmetic surgery scene, having come into widespread use in the 1990’s. Tumescent liposuction offers significant benefits over traditional liposuction techniques for its ability to minimize post-operative discomfort, curtail surgical bleeding, and reduce bruising and swelling during the recovery period.

Tumescent liposuction is unique in that it uses large volumes of a dilute solution of lidocaine, paired with the drug epinephrine. The lidocaine serves as a local anesthetic, eliminating the need for patients to go under general anesthesia. The epinephrine serves to temporarily restrict capillaries, thereby reducing bleeding during the surgery. This combination allows surgeons to perform liposuction using minimal amounts of sedatives. The lidocaine is retained in the body for several hours after the procedure, giving the patient up to 12 to18+ hours of pain-free recovery. The use of tumescent anesthetic also eliminates the drunken feeling felt by many patients after going under general anesthesia, as well as the nausea felt by traditional liposuction patients.

At the start of the procedure, the surgeon anesthetizes the skin at select locations using tiny needles. Once the skin has been numbed, longer needles are used to anesthetize the subcutaneous fat with large quantities of the dilute lidocaine and epinephrine solution. Patients are frequently given a mild sedative, such as Valium to help relax them during the procedure. Once the areas to be treated are completely numb, the doctor begins the liposuction. Small holes, called adits, are made in the skin using round skin biopsy punches to form access sites for the liposuction microcannulas. A microcannula is a very small stainless steel tube, ranging from 1mm to 3mm in diameter, designed to effectively remove small amounts of fat. Fat is suctioned out of the body in small tunnels through the microcannula, leaving the fibrous strands attached to the skin and muscles intact. Once the desired fat has been suctioned out, the microcannulas are removed. Since the adits are such small holes, there is no need for sutures using this method. This actually serves to speed up the healing process since drainage can occur via the adits, greatly reducing the amount of swelling and bruising of the treated areas.

Tumescent liposuction, as with any other type of surgical procedure, does carry some risks. Patients should expect some side-effects from the procedure such as bruising, swelling, and temporary numbness of the treated areas. Significant drainage will occur in areas where adits were formed. Some skin irregularities may result from the procedure, though this side-effect is greatly reduced with the use of both the tumescent anesthesia and microcannulas. Other, more serious side-effects can include blood clots, infection, and allergic reactions to the anesthesia.

About The Author

Gray Rollins is a featured writer for CosmeticSurgeryHelp. To learn more about tumescent liposuction, visit and

Friday, January 18, 2008

Identify Your Acne Before You Get Treatment

by: Darren Hoffman

Understanding how to treat your Acne involves knowing which type of Acne may have. Acne has many variations, ranging in severity from mild to much more serious cases that can cause disfigurement. There are many treatments for acne available on the market, but it is very important to first identify your Acne type before choosing a treatment.

Acne Vulgaris

The most common form of Acne is named Acne Vulgaris. This type of acne can be easily identified by looking at the characteristics of the lesions.

- Whiteheads: When a pore becomes completely blocked by trapping sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria, you will notice a white appearance on the surface. Whiteheads normally will disappear fast than blackheads on your skin. You should resist the temptation to pop these pimples

- Blackheads: When are pore is only partially blocked, the trapped sebum, bacteria and dead skin will have slowly drained to the surface of your skin. The black color is caused by your skins pigment and melanin reacting with oxygen. Blackheads will normally take longer to disappear than whiteheads. You should also resist the temptation to pop these pimples too.

- Pustules: You can identify a pustule by a red circle with a white or yellow center. The pustule will look similar to a whitehead with the difference being inflammation. Pustules are commonly referred to as Zits.

- Papules: The papule is a red, inflamed and tender bump on the skin with no visible head. You should not attempt to squeeze this lesion as you may cause or exacerbate scarring.

- Severe Acne Vulgaris: The sever types of Acne Vulgaris include Nodules and Cysts and will be quite painful. You should consult your dermatologist for treating these types of acne.

Acne Rosacea

Acne Rosacea may look very similar to Acne Vulgaris and often causes confusion. Millions of people are affected by Acne Rosacea, and it mostly strikes people over the age of 30. It will start to appear as a reddish rash on the cheeks, forehead, nose and/or chin. You may also notice small bumps, skin blemishes or pimples in the area. Blackheads are not a symptom of Rosacea. You should consult your dermatologist if you suspect you have Rosacea, because treatment is often very different.

There are other very serious forms of Acne such as Acne Conglobata, Acne Fulminans, Gram-Negative Folliculitis and Pyoderma Faciale. These forms of Acne are very rare, but they can be disfiguring, painful and have psychological effects.

It is always recommended that you consult with your dermatologist to confirm the type of Acne you have and the best treatments available. The above information should only be used as a reference, and only a trained dermatologist can accurately diagnose your Acne.

About The Author

Darren Hoffman provides an Acne Treatment Resource Website with information, treatment options and advice for people suffering from Acne.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Arthritis Basics

by: Adam Waxler

Arthritis affects people in a variety of ways. Joints may be stiff and creak. For others who suffer from arthritis, joints might crack suddenly, like knees upon standing. For many arthritis sufferers, pain occurs, like when trying to open a jar.

What’s it all about? Let’s take a look at the basics of arthritis and learn more.

Arthritis actually means “joint inflammation” and has over 100 related conditions or forms of the disease. If arthritis is left untreated, it can advance, resulting in joint damage that cannot be reversed. Therefore, early detection of arthritis and arthritis treatment are important.

The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Although both type of arthritis have similar symptoms, both happen for different reasons. When joints are overused and misused, the results can be osteoarthritis (OA). What happens is that the cushioning cartilage that protects the joint breaks down, resulting in the bones rubbing together. This generally happens in the knees, but can be found in the hips, spine and hands as well. And, only in the later stages of osteoarthritis will a person most often feel pain, after quite a bit of cartilage is lost.

The second type, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), refers to the body’s immune system attacking joint tissue. Still not fully understood in the medical community, rheumatoid arthritis most often starts in a person’s hands, wrists and feet. Then rheumatoid arthritis advances to shoulders, elbows and hips.

Similar symptoms include pain, stiffness, fatigue, weakness, slight fever, and inflamed tissue lumps under the skin. And both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis generally develop symmetrically, i.e. affecting the same joints on both the left and right sides of the body.

A difference in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis to note is with swelling. With rheumatoid arthritis, people report “soft and squishy” swelling. While with osteoarthritis, people report “hard and bony” swelling.

Another difference between the two types of arthritis is that a person is more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis if a sibling or parent had it. While a person with a history of joint damage, either an injury or chronic strain, runs a higher risk for developing osteoarthritis.

Arthritis can affect any age group. However, while there is no specific age for arthritis sufferers, arthritis seems to focus on those over 45 years of age.

And, while neither gender is immune, a reported 74 percent of osteoarthritis cases (or just over 15 million) occur with women and a slightly lower percentage of rheumatoid arthritis cases occur with women.

Furthermore, your health, particularly your weight, plays a role in the development of arthritis. People with excess weight tend to develop osteoarthritis, especially in the knees when reaching over 45 years of age. However, losing weight can turn the odds around almost by half. Regular activity combined with exercise also reduces risk of arthritis, strengthening joint muscles and reducing joint wear.

Although there are no cure-alls for arthritis, there are a variety of pain relief treatment strategies. Aside from medications, remedies, replacement alternatives and other helpful treatment options, the four main arthritis relief aids are gentle exercise, good nutrition, a positive attitude, and rest. Education also plays a huge role to dispel “old wives tales” and myths that “nothing can be done about arthritis.”

If you suspect you may have arthritis, it is advisable to seek medical advice. The sooner you detect the arthritis and the type of arthritis the better off you’ll be. Furthermore, your symptoms may not be caused by arthritis, but may be caused by something else like a virus or tendonitis or other similar problem that could potentially worsen if left untreated.

Copyright 2006 Adam Waxler

About The Author

Adam Waxler publishes a series of health & fitness information products and web sites including his new resource filled with with FREE articles and tips on Arthritis Pain Relief & Prevention @

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

How Harmful is Multiple Pregnancy?

by: Kenrick Austin

If you're seriously interested in knowing about multiple pregnancy, you need to think beyond the basics. This informative article takes a closer look at things you need to know about multiple pregnancy.

There used to be a theory that twins skipped a generation, but now it is believed that twins are more likely to have a multiple pregnancy themselves. Obviously this is genetic, but it is a valid point to consider if you are a twin and want to become pregnant. Similarly, if your family history or that of your partner's includes twins, then there is an increased chance that you will have a twin pregnancy as well.

Older women are more likely to have a multiple pregnancy. There is an increased ovulation of multiple eggs in older women and this can lead to a higher chance of the woman having a twin pregnancy. Fertility treatments can also lead to an increased chance of multiple pregnancies. It is also evident that women from African backgrounds are more likely to have pregnancies that are twins or more.

Having a multiple pregnancy can be very exciting. There is something special about having twins. If you have learned that you have a multiple pregnancy, there are some important considerations to keep in mind.

In a multiple pregnancy, the financial implications are more pronounced than in a single pregnancy. You will require two of everything - two bassinets, two cribs, two strollers (or one double stroller) and many pairs of clothes. And because every baby is different, you will have to learn from each child individually when he or she needs to eat, or needs a change of diapers. A minimum of double the diapers and baby formula will be needed, and these expenses can add up very quickly.

Finances aside, a multiple pregnancy can take a toll on your sanity. Two babies equals double the crying and double the sleepless nights. Regardless if it's a multiple pregnancy or a single pregnancy you will have to cope with crying and sleeplessness anyway. But one advantage of a multiple pregnancy is that you'll only have to go through it once, assuming you will not be having more children. For parents that have a single birth but desire more than one child, it will be necessary to endure the "terrible twos" more than once. A multiple pregnancy will also mean only one labor and delivery, and only one hospital stay.

Those of you not familiar with the latest on multiple pregnancy now have at least a basic understanding. But there's more to come.

Medically speaking, a multiple pregnancy is automatically considered a high-risk pregnancy. Keep in mind, however, that most women successfully carry a multiple pregnancy with no unusual complications. Normal pregnancy ailments such as mood swings and back pain may be exaggerated, but in general you can expect the same symptoms and discomforts of a regular pregnancy.

Monitoring your nutritional intake is imperative with a multiple pregnancy. You will need to eat more, but avoid gaining an excessive amount of weight. It's a delicate balancing act that will need to be discussed at length with your doctor. A general guideline is to increase your caloric intake by around 250 to 350 calories per day for each additional child you are carrying and increase the amount of protein you consume. A multivitamin might also be advised, but doubling the recommended dosage can be dangerous so seek the advice of your doctor before taking additional vitamin supplements.

In a multiple pregnancy, you will need to visit your doctor more often than during a single pregnancy. You will also need additional ultrasounds to closely monitor the development of both fetuses. In terms of delivery, a multiple pregnancy will usually end approximately two weeks before the normal due date. Most multiple pregnancy births are early. This is because the womb is stretched by multiple pregnancies quicker than during a single pregnancy, and the cervix then opens earlier than normal.

Before giving birth to more than one baby at a time, you must consult with your doctor about your delivery options. It is preferred to deliver through a normal vaginal birth, although a Cesarean section delivery could be recommended if there are any complications that could be a danger to you or your babies during a vaginal delivery.

You can't predict when knowing something extra about multiple pregnancy will come in handy. If you learned anything new about multiple pregnancy in this article, you should file the article where you can find it again.

About The Author

Kenrick Austin is the webmaster at

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

ADD And Coexisting Conditions - Why Is It So Complicated?

by: Sarah K. Jenkins

ADD is often accompanied by a coexisting condition. On the other hand, often ADD and these other conditions have similar symptoms and, therefore, are easily misdiagnosed. Of course, this creates a plethora of problems as these disorders, when separate, must be treated differently. A misdiagnosis will lead to ineffective treatment. As coexisting conditions, these are especially of concern, because they increase the severity of many of the symptoms of ADD, as well as the negative impact on those that suffer them.

One such condition is Oppositional Defiant Disorder or Conduct Disorder. Children with this disorder tend to be very aggressive and defiant. They usually lose their tempers very easily and challenge authority figures. This is the most easily diagnosable behaviors, as teachers and parents become aware of this conduct quickly and seek treatment almost immediately. This particular disorder is common in children that are the hyperactive/impulsive type of ADD and occurs in 35% of children with ADD. This coexisting condition makes it much more likely that these sufferers will get in legal trouble as they age due to their authoritative defiance.

Many children that have ADD also suffer from mood disorders and/or depression. The complication associated with this coexisting condition is the increased likelihood of suicide common during teen years. 18% of ADD children also suffer from some type of mood disorder, and is it more likely to occur within the inattentive type of ADD. This is often not as easily diagnosed as compared to other conditions. Children with mood disorders as a coexisting condition must be treated with different medication than typical ADD treatment; therefore, such therapy may be more difficult.

Also a concern is anxiety disorders among ADD sufferers, which constitutes roughly 25% of those with ADD. Traits common of Anxiety Disorders are fear, panic, and worry, which may necessitate medication and/or counseling. As with mood disorders, combined treatment make therapy more complex and arduous.

Learning Disabilities are also conditions common with children that have ADD. While ADD, in itself, is not a learning disability, it can make it extremely difficult for children to perform well in school. If coupled with a learning disability, it makes it considerably more challenging for children to grasp academic concepts and utilize such knowledge.

For the most part, coexisting conditions make treatment more difficult and the side effects of both disorders more severe. The typical signs and symptoms of ADD are difficult enough to deal with, but with more intense severity, it often makes side effects deadly or incredibly negatively life altering.

About The Author

Sarah K. Jenkins is an acclaimed writer on medical matters, and has written extensively on the subjects of Attention Deficit Disorder, Bird Flu and Crohn’s Disease .

For more of her articles, go to now.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Low Fat Food Not No Fat Food

by: Jenny Mathers

If you're "fat" and don't eat low fat food in public, do you get comments from others? Eating fat has become such an emotive thing to the point that when an overweight person eats a burger in public, fingers are pointed and heads are shaken.

Fat is not bad for you. That's right. I said it. Low fat is not the ultimate healthy food. If you can eat it in moderation, fat is not bad for you. In fact, fat plays an important role in the optimum functioning of your body. It cushion the body's major organs and transports vitamins A, D, E & K around your body.[1] Your body definitely needs fat.

The problem with fat is that fat also delivers over twice the kilojoules that protein or carbohydrates can per gram.

So the idea with fat, is to eat it in moderation. Eating healthily to lose weight can often mean that you have to eat low fat food in order to cut your calories, but it doesn't mean removing fat altogether from your diet.

So exactly how do you moderate your fat intake to healthy levels. Well, one way that you can do this is to look at the nutritional value of the meals you're eating. Even fast food restaurants these days are publishing the nutrition panels on their wrappers. So have a look, it's free.

If the nutrition panel states that the food contains more than 50 - 60 grams of fat, then it might be in your best interests to choose something else to eat. Around 50 - 60 grams of fat or 25 - 30% of your total daily caloric intake should be coming from fat. The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans states that 20 - 35% of your calories should come from fat. They also state that the fats that you do eat need to be coming from poly or monounsaturated sources such as fish.

So by looking at the nutrition panel each time when you purchase food, you can eat low fat food and cut your fat intake to around 25 - 30% of your total intake while choosing to eat unsaturated fats from sources such as fish, nuts and vegetable oils such as olive oil.


[1] Saxelby, C (2002) Nutrition For Life Hardie Grant Books P. 18.

Date Written: 13th February 2006.

About The Author

My name is Jenny Mathers, I certainly hope that you've enjoyed this article about low fat food. Now go to part 2 of this article, where I give a mild fish curry recipe which contains only 3.61 grams of fat! I strive to research and write about the most reputable nutrition, weight loss and health information possible. You can also see my site here, where I strive to encourage all those wishing to lose weight to seek individual advice from a dietitian, doctor or health care professional.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Science of Arthritis

by: Adam Waxler

In order to understand how to handle arthritis pain, you need to understand how the body works and how arthritis can impede the body from working properly. Once someone has a general understanding of the science behind arthritis, one can better understand how to handle arthritis pain and get some arthritis relief.

First of all, there are several different types of arthritis. The two most commonly known forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, there are three other major types of arthritis. These other forms of arthritis are systemic lupus erythematosis, ankylosing spondylitis and gout. Let’s take a look at each:

• Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (SLE) – This form of arthritis mainly affects women. It develops in the skin, internal organs and joints.

• Ankylosing Spondylitis – This form or arthritis affects the spine and can also affect the ankles, knees, lungs, heart, shoulders and eyes.

• Gout – This is a painful affliction mainly for men, about one million of them in the United States alone. Uric acid build up, due to an internal chemical malfunction, forms crystals that get stuck in a joint, generally the big toe, and become inflamed.

Where two bones meet, called joints, are covered with cartilage, also known as gristle. This cartilage is sturdy, elastic, and spongy or compressible, and keeps the bones from moving against each other at the joint. Healthy joints can handle some fairly heavy pressure. For example, when taking a walk a person’s knees handle a force of three to four times a person’s total body weight, while deep knee bends can increase to nine times the body’s weight. Unfortunately, arthritis effects how joints function properly in your body.

Surrounding the bones and cartilage is a strong, fibrous capsule lined with synovium, a thin membrane that lubricates the joint area with fluid. The end result is less friction or smoother rubbing together of the bones. This fluid also feeds the cartilage cells, keeping them healthy, and is “pumped” into them during joint movement. Therefore, lack of movement can be unhealthy. By understanding more about how joints work it is easy to see why exercise plays a crucial role in arthritis relief.

Arthritic joints can be affected with inflammation when bacteria or a virus (or other undesirable element) enters the joint area or when an injury occurs. What happens is when foreign matter enters this area or the area sustains injury, white blood cells, antibodies and other natural “fighting” mechanisms automatically kick in internally to help. These fighters cause swelling, redness and heat as the body fluid moves around. Symptoms of inflammation, one of the uncomfortable issues associated with arthritis pain, are redness, swelling and tender joints.

The exact science of what actually causes arthritis is still being researched. For most forms of arthritis, the causes are unknown. Injury, overuse of joints and mechanical issues with joints (like skeletal abnormalities, worn out joint muscles) can lead to arthritis. Many arthritis experts also point to issues relating to bacteria as one of the main culprits causing arthritis. Heredity, stress, drugs, food allergies and viruses have also been linked to some forms of arthritis. Likewise, diet, poor circulation, and lack of movement have also been connected to arthritis.

While it appears that arthritis may be caused by many factors, the good news is that at least some of these factors can be controlled. Clearly, a healthy diet and plenty of exercise will go along way towards arthritis relief.

Copyright 2006 Adam Waxler

About The Author

Adam Waxler publishes a series of health & fitness information products and web sites including his new resource filled with with FREE articles and tips on Arthritis Pain Relief & Prevention @

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Wanna Look 10 Years Younger? Have More Fruits

by: Rajesh Shetty

Fruit calories are very healthy as compared to calories in fast foods or processed food.

So, don't avoid fruits.In fact have more of fruit calories if you want to get rid of that excess flab from your body.

Fruits require 20-25 minutes to digest and give us energy and vegetables take 4 hours to become nutrients for energy whereas meat takes upto 72 hours to completely break down and pass out from the body.

Unlike carnivorous animals,your intestines are too long for meat to pass out fast which leads to putrification of meat and accumulation of toxins in the body.

Meat produces Uric acid which your body is incapable of handling..this causes further tissue damage.

Further,fruits have anti oxidant properties and they take care of free radicals and reverse ageing.

Moreover fruits have enzymes essential for various bodily activities like metabolism, so difficult to obtain from meats and processed foods.

Dead meat products are not life supporting in the real sense but fruits are live foods and are a store house of solar energy.

Fruits also aid in filtering and cleansing of toxins from the body.Most of the weightloss programs out there ignore the fact that toxin elimination is the most important aspect of losing weight or burning fat.Infact, without toxin removal the fat cells become very stubborn to be burned or eliminated from the body.

Now consider this, having 2500 calories from fruit is good or being on a diet plan consisting of 1000 calories from meat and processed foods is good for health and maintaining ideal weight?

Get more cutting edge fat burning secrets in my Free 5day email ecourse delivered straight to your inbox by subscribing to my newsletter at:

About The Author

Rajesh Shetty - Expert in weight loss principles of Ayurveda Medical Science and Author of the Best selling book, "Proven weight loss secrets revealed".

Friday, January 11, 2008

Fruit For Fitness Tips

by: Steve Shannon

Without question, fruit has wonderful natural benefits for the human body. Fruit is packed with vitamins and fiber much like vegetables, but comes in a wide variety of sweeter, more palatable flavors.

Adding fruit to your diet is an excellent thing to do, but there are a few things that you need to keep in mind:

1. Eat fresh fruit instead of drinking fruit juice. Juice is often sweetened, but fresh fruits have natural sugars. Also, you don’t receive all of the needed fiber and vitamins from fruit juice as you do from fresh fruit.

2. If you do have a craving for fruit juice, then go for fresh fruit juice instead of those that contain artificial flavors and colors. Or even better, try making your own fruit juice, taking care not to sweeten it with too many calories.

3. Choose fresh fruit over processed fruits. Again, processed and canned fruits do not have as much fiber or vitamins as fresh fruit, and processed and canned fruits are nearly always sweetened.

4. Wherever possible eating locally produced seasonal fruits and vegetable fresh from the garden or grove is preferred.

5. Fresh fruit makes the absolute perfect dessert for any meal. Throw out the cake and add a fresh fruit bowl to the dining table.

6. Fresh fruit also makes the perfect snack. It’s far better to grab a banana or apple when hunger pangs strike, than a bag of greasy potato chips. Plus, fresh fruit just tastes better.

7. It’s interesting to note that nature produces several varieties of fruits resembling the shapes of the organs of our body, which are useful and beneficial to that specific organ. Here are some examples:

  • Apricot - Brain

  • Mango-Papaya - Stomach

  • Almonds - Eyes

  • Apple - Heart

  • Grapes - Lungs

  • Cashew nuts - Kidney

8. Fruits and vegetables have in them a natural storage of the sun’s energy. If we make a daily practice of having fresh fruit and vegetables, or one glass of real fruit juice and two or three cups of green juice of vegetables, our requirement for food will be reduced to a minimum. We will have enough energy to maintain the body in a healthy condition.

Overall, just remember that fresh fruit is better for you than canned fruit, fruit juice, processed fruit, or cooked fruit. Eat as much fresh fruit as you like.

Another benefit of adding fruit to your diet is the added water intake. Water is a simple, yet effective tool in the fight against the scale and the emergency room, and is often overlooked by most people.

But that is a whole other subject...

About The Author

To learn more about the tremendous benefits of water in your dietary routine visit:

Steve Shannon is webmaster at

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Fresh Fruit Facials for Healthy Skin

by: Alisha Burke

I was having tea with a friend last week, and we were discussing our extensive skin care regimens. As we were exchanging tips and advice, I realized that I have amassed a virtual recipe box of facials that can be done using fresh fruit. As there are many of you out there that could benefit from this knowledge, I have decided to share my insights.

One of my favorites is the peach facial, which works very well as a tightening mask. Simply take a ripened peach, and remove the skin and the pit from the center. Place the peach and the whites from a single egg in a blender, and whip until smooth. Pat the mixture onto your face, and allow it to sit there for 30 minutes. Rinse with cold water.

I have found that the apple mask is very good for normal skin. Peel, core, and quarter an apple. Chop the apple in your blender, and add two tablespoons of honey. Blend until smooth. Then remove the mixture from the blender, and refrigerate for approximately 10 minutes. Apply the mixture to your face using a patting motion, and be sure to pat until the honey becomes tacky. Leave it on for about 30 minutes, and rinse with warm water.

I have also had great success with a Strawberry mask that my Grandmother told me about. The trick here is to use extremely ripe Strawberries. Add approximately ½ cup of strawberries and a ¼ cup of cornstarch to the blender, and mix until smooth. Apply the mixture to your face, and be careful to avoid the area around your eyes. Leave it on for 30 minutes, and rinse it off with cool water.

The next facial mask is excellent for blemished skin. Chop a ripened tomato into small pieces, and place it in your blender. Add one tablespoon of lemon juice and some instant oatmeal or rolled oats. Mix until it is all combined. Do not mix for too long, as it will not stick to your face. If it gets too thin, simply add more oatmeal. Apply the mixture, and leave it on for 10 minutes. Scrub it off using a warm, wet cloth.

There are many different ways to care for your skin, and as many different products on the market. In my experience, the most natural treatments provide the best results. Try to avoid products that have heavy perfumed scents or appear to use poor quality ingredients. These all natural fruit facials have worked wonders for me. I hope you enjoy them.

About The Author

Alisha Burke loves getting facials. When she is not daydreaming about her next trip to the spa, she writes for – an online resource dedicated to helping you care for your skin, with important information about Collagen Injections (, Anti-Aging Products (, Sunscreen ( and more.