Thursday, March 6, 2008

FDA Approves Lasik Eye Surgery

by: Ron King

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new custom lasik procedure in September of 2005. This new procedure can now treat many patients who were previously ineligible for the surgery.


Nearsightedness occurs when the eye is too long and light rays focus in front of the retina, instead of focusing on the retina. Some of the symptoms of nearsightedness are blurred distant vision, eyestrain, and squinting, along with having a difficult time seeing at night.

Although nearsightedness can be easily fixed with glasses or contact lenses (when not too severe), many people don't like to hassle with either one. With this new lasik procedure, folks will now be able to have pure vision.


Astigmatism is the effect of the eye being shaped like a football, instead of round like a baseball. This deformity -- where the light rays focus on two points on the retina instead of one -- results in blurred vision, double vision, and shadows on letters when reading. Until recently, this deformity has prevented some people from even getting contact lenses. Breakthroughs in contact lenses have only helped those with slight astigmatism.

However, with this new lasik procedure, patients can now have their eyes repaired to normal, or at least be repaired enough to comfortably wear contact lenses. Either way, their vision is enhanced and many are happy just to get rid of the glasses and finally be able to wear contacts, or possibly nothing at all.


Farsightedness happens when light rays focus behind the retina instead of on the retina, resulting in blurred near vision. Some patients with severe farsightedness have to step back from what they are reading and others require magnifying glasses to see something that is right in front of them. People with farsightedness can see you 30 feet away, but when you get right up close they can't see you! This can be embarrassing and cause the afflicted person much insecurity along with the feeling that they are going blind.

Farsightedness is easily remedied by wearing glasses to read and see things up close, but it's very inconvenient to constantly be taking your glasses on and off. Not only is it inconvenient, you take the chance of leaving your glasses behind. Some patients keep their glasses on a chain so they won't lose them, but this makes them feel old. Now, lasik surgery is another option for these patients.

New Laser Technology

The FDA recently approved the new Visx STAR Excimer laser system. This fantastic breakthrough in technology allows doctors to do more than they ever could before, giving them the ability to reshape the eye to correct astigmatism, farsightedness and nearsightedness. Before this marvelous breakthrough these patients were not good candidates for lasik eye surgery. They now can join the rest of the vision impaired and have the option for lasik.

Recent FDA studies show that over 98% of all patients receiving these new procedures were seeing 20/40 or better 6 months after surgery. Over 84% were seeing much better than 20/20 after 6 months. Now that's reason to celebrate!

New breakthroughs in lasik eye surgery technology are happening all the time. Now people don't have to be inconvenienced by the hassle of glasses or contacts. All they want to do is to be able to get up in the morning and see normally. These breakthroughs in lasik technology are giving them an improved quality of life that once was unattainable.

About The Author

Ron King

Visit to learn more. Ron King is a full-time researcher, writer, and web developer with a .

Copyright 2006 Ron King. This article may be reprinted if the resource box is left intact.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I. Apakah Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia adalah nama diberi kepada sekumpulan penyakit jiwa dimana terdapat gangguan dalam perasaan, pemikiran dan tingkah-laku seseorang itu.

Ia adalah penyakit yang menyebabkan kehilangan upaya dan mengganggu dengan kehidupan seharian seseorang itu.

Sesiapa sahaja boleh menghidap Schizophrenia dan ia berlaku dengan kadar 1% dikalangan penduduk umum.

Ia tidak berjangkit dari seorang kepada seorang yang lain.

II Bilakah Ia Berlaku?

Tidak kira umur tetapi biasanya dalam lingkungan umur 12 hingga 45 tahun.

III Bagaimana Kita Dapat Mengenal Penyakit Ini?

  • Kelakuan yang pelik dan ganjil.

  • Bercakap atau ketawa seorang diri.

  • Cuai dengan rupa dan kesihatan diri.

  • Gangguan tidur malam.

  • Pertuturan sukar diikuti.

  • Sangkaan palsu yang orang-orang lain akan mencederanya atau mengawal dirinya.

  • Berkeliaran.

  • Cuai tentang kerjanya dan lain-lain.

IV Apakah Rawatannya?

  • Berikut adalah rawatan untuk Schizophrenia:-

  • Pengubatan yang berterusan iaitu tablet dan suntikan.

  • Rawatan Electroconvulsive therapy.

  • Aktiviti kerja.

  • Sokongan keluarga.

  • Bercakap dengan seseorang yang terlatih.

  • Apa Yang Perlu Dilakukan Sekiranya Seseorang Menghidap Gejala-Gejala Di Atas?

  • Bawa ke doktor yang berdekatan

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Apakah Akibat Tekanan Darah Tinggi?

Jika tekanan darah anda kekal tinggi, ia boleh menyebabkan komplikasi seperti:

  • Serangan jantung

  • Angin ahmar

  • Kegagalan jantung

  • Kerosakan buah pinggang

Jika Tekanan Darah Anda Optima (130 / 80 mmHg)

Anda perlu terus mengawal tekanan darah anda, dengan cara:

  • Memeriksa tekanan darah anda secara berkala;

    • 2 kali setahun jika kadarnya normal

    • lebih kerap jika didapati kadarnya tinggi atau jika anda mempunyai ahli keluarga mengidap darah tinggi, angin ahmar atau serangan jantung.

  • Tidak merokok

    • Nikotin dari asap rokok akan memasuki darah dan menyebabkan jantung berdenyut lebih cepat. Nikotin juga menyempitkan saluran salurnadi halus dan memaksa jantung mengepam lebih kuat.

  • Makan secara sihat, dengan mengurangkan pengambilan :-

    • Garam
      Garam berlebihan di dalam darah boleh menyebabkan lebih banyak air terpaksa disimpan di dalamnya. Ini akan meningkatkan tekanan darah.

    • Lemak
      Lemak berlebihan akan terkumpul di sekeliling dinding salurnadi dan menjadikannya tebal dan kejang.

  • Kekalkan berat badan unggul.

  • Bersenam secara berkala.

  • Elakkan pengambilan alkohol.

Jika Anda Menghidap Tekanan Darah Tinggi :-

  • Makan ubat secara berkala seperti yang dinasihatkan.

  • Jangan berhenti makan ubat tanpa nasihat doktor/pegawai farmasi.

  • Jumpa doktor anda secara berkala bagi mengawal tekanan darah anda.

Monday, March 3, 2008



Apa Dia Tekanan Darah?

Tekanan darah ialah tekanan yang dikenakan terhadappembuluh arteri semasa peredaran darah ynag disebabkan oleh denyutan jantung.

Bagaimana Tekanan Darah Diukur?

Tekanan darah ada dua ukuran dan biasanya dirakam seperti berikut:-

120 / 80 mmHg

Nombor atas (120) menunjukkan tekanan ke atas pembuluh arteri akibat denyutan jantung. Ia dipanggil tekanan sistolik.

Nombor bawah (80) menunjukkan tekanan semasa jantung berehat di antara pengepaman. Ia dipanggil tekanan diastolik.

Masa yang paling baik untuk mengukur tekanan darah adalah semasa anda rehat dan dalam keadaan duduk atau baring.

Tekanan Darah Berubah-ubah

Kadar tekanan darah tidak sama sepanjang masa. Ia sering berubah-ubah mengikut keperluan badan anda. Jika tekanan darah anda tinggi, doktor anda akan memeriksa semual tekanan darah anda untuk beberapa kali bagi menentukan kadar tekanan darah anda yang sebenar.

Apa Dia Tekanan Darah Tinggi?

Jika kadar tekanan darah sentiasa lebih tinggi daripada kadar biasa untuk suatu jangkamasa yang lama, maka keadaan ini dikenali sebagai Tekanan Darah Tinggi.

Tekanan darah optima
130 / 80 mmHg

Tekanan darah tinggi

Lebih daripada 130 / 85 mmHg. Misalnya, jika tekanan melebihi 180 / 110 mmHg kadar tekanan darah anda adalah terlalu tinggi.

Kenapa Anda Perlu Mengetahui Tentang Darah Tinggi?

Tekanan darah tinggi kebiasaannya tidak menunjukkan sebarang tanda dan gejala. Anda mungkin mengalami tekanan darah tinggi dan pada masa yang sama merasa diri anda sihat. Hanya satu cara untuk mengetahui sama ada anda menghidap darah tinggi atau tidak adalah dengan memeriksa tekanan darah anda secara berkala.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Memastikan rumah selamat

Rumah yang selamat boleh mencegah kemalangan di kalangan ahli keluarga. Kemalangan kerap berlaku di dapur, bilik air dan ruang tamu dan biasanya melibatkan kanak-kanak dan orang tua

Pastikan rumah anda selamat


  • Pastikan semua bahan kimia, ubat-ubatan dan benda-benda tajam seperti pisau, disimpan di tempat yang selamat dan tidak boleh dicapai oleh kanak-kanak
  • Pastikan alas meja tidak terjuntai dan tidak boleh ditarik
  • Pastikan lantai dapur kering

Bilik air

  • Pastikan lantai bilik air tidak licin
  • Bahan-bahan pencuci disimpan di tempat khas yang tidak boleh dicapai oleh kanak-kanak
  • Semua bekas takungan air hendaklah sentiasa ditutup

Ruang tamu

  • Pilih perabot yang tidak berbucu tajam dan bukan diperbuat daripada kaca
  • Susun atur perabot tidak menghalang pergerakan
  • Pastikan permaidani tidak mudah bergerak dan permukaan rata
  • Pastikan tiada barang seperti permainan, buku dan surat khabar bersepah di lantai
  • Tutup semua soket dinding dan pastikan tiada wayar yang berjuntai

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Making time for Exercise

by: Gavin Walsh

By now you know that exercise is good for you, and that you should do something on a regular basis. What’s the best time for you to exercise? Anytime. Honestly. For example, when you’re sitting and watching TV, stretch your muscles. Never stretch so hard it hurts. Rather, stretch to the point of mild tension and hold the stretch for 10 to 30 seconds.

A healthy exercise program includes three kinds of exercise: aerobic activity, muscular strengthening and flexibility exercise. You can start your exercise program without investing in any elaborate equipment. For example, you can do simple exercises at home or at your desk at work, including sit-ups, push-ups and pull-ups. For basic body weight exercises, weight-lifting equipment isn’t required. Head for the kitchen and pick up the soup cans you have in the cupboard.


Aerobic activity is defined as prolonged continuous movement of large muscle groups. Translated, that means do something that keeps you moving. Ideally, do it for 20 minutes straight. If you don’t have that much time, two 10-minute aerobic activity sessions will benefit you almost as much. The good thing about aerobic activity is that it includes many of the sports you probably already enjoy. Walking, biking, hiking, dancing, swimming, even basketball are all examples of aerobic exercise.

Another good thing is that you can easily accomplish those two 10-minute sessions with things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking around the neighbourhood after work or parking your car farther away. You could even turn shopping into an aerobic activity. Shopping is walking, so don’t stop for 10 minutes straight and you’ve worked in one of your daily sessions! Check with your local mall for mall walker programs, and you’ll have company. Aerobic exercise is definitely good for cardiovascular health and fitness. And here’s something else you’ll like: Aerobic activity can help you lose fat weight.


If you do housework or yard work, you’re doing yourself a favor. The stretching and lifting housework entails is good exercise. So is work you do outside. Yard work uses many muscle groups, especially activities like planting and working in the garden. Raking uses your arm and back muscles. Digging gives your arms and legs a workout. And gardening provides a bonus: You’ll have more fresh vegetables and fruits to add to your diet.


It’s really up to you. You can exercise in the morning, afternoon or evening. Lunch breaks offer an excellent opportunity to get out of the office and exercise. Use your coffee break to take a short walk around the office. Get rid of the day’s stress by fitting in an exercise session after work. Whatever time you choose, make sure you stick with it. For some people, it’s easier to stay with an exercise program when you do it with a friend or co-worker.


Exercise is one of the best things you can do for yourself. If you’re basically healthy, get going right now. If you’re 40+ or have any health problems, consult your Doctor first.

About The Author

Gavin Walsh is a Fitness Expert based in London, Uk. He runs his own Personal Training and Fitness Consultancy company,