by: Adrian Bryant
1. Start Exercising first thing in the morning.
As soon as you wake up in the morning workout for at least 30min to an hour. Studies show that working out in the morning has been shown to burn up to 3x as more fat as opposed to working out at any other time during the day. Here’s Why:
During the day your body’s main source of energy is the carbohydrates that you get from eating your meals. As you sleep at night for 6+ hours your body uses up all those carbohydrates as energy for various bodily functions that go on even while you sleep. When you wake up in the morning your body doesn’t have any carbohydrates as energy to use and it will look to burn body fat instead for energy.
For you to take advantage of this morning fat burning opportunity you have to exercise first thing in the morning. Don’t eat breakfast because if you do you’ll just give your body some carbohydrates as a source of energy instead of the body fat that you want to burn for energy.
Another great thing about working out first thing in the morning is that your metabolism gets revved up after your morning workout. Morning workouts keep your metabolism elevated throughout the day. An elevated metabolism throughout the day only means that you’ll burn more calories and lose more weight. If you workout at night you may still burn fat while you workout but as soon as you go to sleep your metabolism will slow down and you’ll miss out on all the extra fat that you can burn during the day if you had exercised in the morning. When you sleep your metabolic rate is always at its slowest.
Other reasons why its good to exercise first thing in the morning is that you get the workout out of the way, and working out in the morning will also reduce your level of stress throughout the day.
Advanced Tip: Want to burn even more fat? Add another workout to your daily routine 4-6 hours after your morning workout. Keep your already high metabolism higher by adding a 2nd workout during the day. If you're seriously thinking about adding a 2nd workout to your daily routine then try to do your cardio workouts in the morning. Mostly fat calories are burned doing cardio at a moderate intensities. Make your 2nd workout of the day a workout with weights. Mostly carbohydrate is burned doing weight-training workouts. The muscle that you build from weight training will also help you burn fat. 1lb of Muscle burns 50 calories a day or 1lb of fat every 70 days. Not only will you be burning more calories, you’ll look better – whatever your weight is.
2. Eat Breakfast
Another way to keep your metabolism revved up all day long is to eat breakfast. After you workout in the morning as discussed earlier, just have breakfast and you’ll give your body the perfect 1-2 combination to jump start your metabolism.
Eating breakfast in the morning is what gets your metabolism started. Don’t skip breakfast and wait until mid-morning or afternoon to eat, your metabolism will run slower causing you not burn any extra fat.
Think about this way-Your metabolism is a fireplace that’ll burn fat all day long for you if you operate it correctly. When you eat breakfast you are basically throwing a log onto that fireplace to get it started burning fat.
Eating breakfast will help stop those cravings you may have later on in the day and along with working out in the morning, eating breakfast will also keep you energized throughout the day and lower stress levels.
Advanced Tip: Instead of eating only 2 more meals during the day like lunch & dinner, try to eat 4-5 more small mini-meals spaced 2-3 hours apart during the day. Remember the fireplace? By eating these mini-meals you'll be throwing just the right amount of "wood" on the fireplace to keep your metabolism burning calories throughout the day. Don't shut down your metabolism by eating big lunches or dinners, keep that metabolism of yours burning fat all day long.
Morning Checklist
1. Workout for at least 30min after waking up in the morning
2. Eat a healthy breakfast
3. Burn fat & lose more weight during the day
Use these 2 tips to reveal that six-pack, fit into that dress for an upcoming event like a wedding or reunion, or to impress that special someone. Whatever your fitness goal is these 2 tips above will surely help you reach them.
About The Author
Adrian Bryant is a Personal Trainer and creator of NowLoss: The World's Best Weight Loss Program. Be sure to check out his web site at Adrian Bryant has helped many people reach their fitness goals in his 10+ years of personal training. Adrian holds a B.S. degree in Exercise science from Longwood University.
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010
2 Ways to Start Burning fat Quickly
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7:01 PM
Labels: Fat Burning
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Klinik 1Malaysia
KUALA LUMPUR: Penubuhan Klinik 1Malaysia di seluruh negara tidak akan menjejaskan pendapatan doktor dan klinik swasta, malah memberi manfaat kepada kedua-dua pihak khususnya rakyat berpendapatan rendah.
Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, berkata kewujudan 50 klinik yang beroperasi sepenuhnya bulan ini bukan saja memudahkan rakyat mendapat perkhidmatan kesihatan awal, malah pesakit dirujuk kepada doktor swasta untuk rawatan susulan.
Pada masa sama, Najib mengarahkan Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai mengadakan perjumpaan dengan Persatuan Perubatan Malaysia (MMA) memastikan pendapatan pengamal perubatan tidak terjejas berikutan usaha kerajaan itu.
“Tidak terjejas, sebab pesakit dari Klinik 1Malaysia akan rujuk kepada mereka (klinik swasta). Jika pesakit ada hubungan dengan mana-mana doktor swasta, kita akan rujuk kepada mereka.
“Klinik ini untuk memudahkan rakyat mendapat pemeriksaan biasa seperti memeriksa tekanan darah dan kandungan gula. Untuk pemeriksaan lanjut, mereka boleh pergi ke klinik swasta atau hospital kerajaan.
“Saya tidak anggap Klinik 1Malaysia sebagai situasi menang-kalah, tetapi situasi menang-menang, rakyat mudah dan doktor swasta akan dapat pelanggan macam biasa,” katanya pada sidang media selepas melancarkan Klinik 1Malaysia Kerinchi, Lembah Pantai, di sini semalam.
Turut hadir, Liow dan Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan dan Kesejahteraan Bandar, Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin.
Pelancaran klinik itu adalah yang pertama dilaksanakan, sekali gus menandakan pelancaran 44 klinik sama di seluruh negara yang sudah beroperasi setakat ini, manakala bakinya menjelang akhir bulan ini.
Perdana Menteri berkata, pelancaran klinik itu amat signifikan kerana ia dilaksanakan dalam tempoh singkat iaitu dua bulan selepas pembentangan Bajet 2010 pada 23 Oktober lalu dengan peruntukan RM10 juta untuk 50 klinik.
Peruntukan untuk setahun itu membabitkan kerja ubah suai dan peralatan dalaman bangunan selain ubat-ubatan. Klinik itu beroperasi setiap hari mulai jam 10 pagi hingga 10 malam yang dikendalikan seorang penolong pegawai perubatan, seorang jururawat terlatih dan seorang pembantu perawatan kesihatan yang bekerja dua syif.
Najib tidak menolak kemungkinan menambah lebih banyak Klinik 1Malaysia khususnya di kawasan bandar yang padat penduduk akibat penghijrahan ke bandar.
Katanya, buat masa ini, kerajaan akan menentukan keberkesanan perkhidmatan itu selain pendekatan baru yang boleh diguna pakai untuk meningkatkan mutu perkhidmatan sebelum membuat sebarang ketetapan penambahan.
“Klinik ini kebanyakannya di bandar sebab di luar bandar sudah ada 2,000 klinik desa yang ditubuhkan sejak merdeka. Kadar caj juga sama sebanyak RM1... sangat murah, paling murah di dunia,” katanya.
Ketika melancarkan Klinik 1Malaysia di Rumah PPR Taman Putra Damai, Lembah Subang, Najib menasihatkan rakyat sentiasa memantau secara berkala bacaan tekanan darah (BP) dan paras kandungan gula dalam tubuh kerana ia menjadi punca penyakit darah tinggi serta kencing manis.
Selain itu, katanya, kewujudan klinik berkenaan akan membantu Kementerian Kesihatan mengurangkan kesesakan di hospital dan klinik kesihatan.
Sumber : Berita HarianHealth for a Lifetime only at :
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11:34 PM
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