Ramli Abdul Aziz, 45, dari Taman Chempaka dari Peringgit Jaya menunjukkan gambar anaknya, Nur Syazwana Ramli, 20, yang meninggal dunia kerana Influenza A H1N1 semalam. Kes itu menjadikannya mangsa keempat yang meninggal dunia akibat pandemik itu di Malaysia setakat ini
PUTRAJAYA: Seorang wanita rakyat Malaysia berumur 20 tahun mati akibat Influenza A (H1N1) pagi semalam, menjadikannya mangsa keempat yang meninggal dunia akibat pandemik itu di Malaysia setakat ini.
Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan, Tan Sri Dr Mohd Ismail Merican berkata wanita itu disahkan menghidap Influenza A (H1N1) selepas meninggal dunia pada pukul 9.40 pagi semalam.
"Wanita berkenaan mula demam, sakit tekak dan batuk sejak 16 Julai, bagaimanapun beliau hanya pergi mendapatkan rawatan selepas sakit selama 11 hari di Hospital Melaka pada 26 Julai.
"Pemeriksaan dan ujian awal mendapati beliau mengidap jangkitan kuman dalam darah yang dijangkiti daripada paru-paru, beliau kemudiannya dipindahkan ke unit rawatan rapi (ICU) kerana mengalami sesak nafas dan memerlukan bantuan alat pernafasan," katanya dalam sidang media di sini hari ini.
Tambah Dr Ismail, wanita berkenaan mengalami berbagai kompilasi klinikal iaitu septisemia disebabkan oleh pneumonia, kegagalan buah pinggang dan kegagalan fungsi paru-paru.
"Mangsa akhirnya telah meninggal dunia disebabkan oleh pneumonia teruk yang dijangkiti daripada persekitaran," katanya.
Ditanya mengapa kementerian tidak mendedahkan kes berkenaan semalam, Dr Ismail berkata pihak hospital berkenaan hanya mengetahui mangsa dijangkiti H1N1 selepas kematiannya.
"Saya hanya dimaklumkan mengenai kematian wanita berkenaan pada awal pagi tadi," katanya.
Berhubung sama ada kementerian akan mengambil tindakan kepada pihak hospital yang gagal mengesan jangkitan H1N1 dengan segera hingga menyebabkan kematian, beliau berkata pihaknya tidak mahu menyalahkan mana-mana pihak.
"Kita tak mahu salahkan sesiapa, tapi apa yang penting ialah kita mahu nasihatkan kepada pesakit supaya lebih peka dengan masalah kesihatan mereka...dapatkan rawatan awal jika ada tanda-tanda jangkitan.
"Malah kita juga nasihatkan supaya para doktor lebih berhati-hati dan mengambil serius mengenai tanda-tanda H1N1 apabila pesakit datang berjumpa dengan mereka," katanya.
Mengenai situasi semasa, Dr Ismail berkata sejumlah 47 kes baru H1N1 dilaporkan di seluruh negara dan kesemuanya merupakan kes jangkitan tempatan iaitu 27 daripadanya merupakan kejadian dari enam kluster baru, 10 kes dari lima kluster sedia ada dan 10 kes lagi merupakan kes-kes terpencil.
Jumlah terkumpul kes itu setakat ini meningkat kepada 1,266.
"Daripada 1,266 kes yang dilaporkan tersebut, 574 atau 45 peratus merupakan kes import dan 692 atau 55 peratus adalah jangkitan tempatan.
"Daripada jumlah ini, 1,233 kes atau 97 peratus telah sembuh, 24 kes atau dua peratus yang menerima rawatan antiviral di hospital manakala sembilan orang atau satu peratus lagi sedang menerima rawatan antiviral di rumah," katanya.
Beliau yang kesal dengan perkembangan terbaru mengenai H1N1 berkata semua pihak harus memainkan peranan masing-masing bagi memastikan jangkitan virus berkenaan dapat dikawal.
Dr Ismail yang sebelum itu mempengerusikan Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Teknikal Pandemik Influenza A (H1N1) berkata mesyuarat hari ini mengambil ketetapan bahawa semua pengamal perubatan sama ada di hospital atau klinik termasuk swasta hendaklah mempunyai tahap syak yang tinggi kepada kes-kes pneumonia yang disebabkan oleh H1N1.
Katanya kes-kes pneumonia terutama yang teruk hendaklah diuji kemungkinan jangkitan H1N1.
"H1N1 boleh menyebabkan severe pneumonia terutama jika jangkitan pada individu yang berisiko seperti gemuk, diabetes, penyakit respiratori kronik dan individu dengan imuniti rendah.
"Semua kes pneumonia yang teruk yang disyaki disebabkan oleh H1N1 juga hendaklah diberi rawatan antiviral influenza dengan dos diganda," katanya.
Beliau berkata ujian makmal untuk H1N1 setakat ini hanya boleh dibuat di Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan (IMR) dan Hospital Sungai Buloh.
Malah katanya ujian makmal tersebut akan diperluas kepada hospital kerajaan negeri, dan untuk itu latihan dan kemudahan akan dibekalkan kepada hospital-hospital terlibat.
Sebanyak 21 hospital swasta telah diberi bekalan antiviral influenza untuk digunakan bagi merawat pesakit-pesakit H1N1 atau yang disyaki.
Dr Ismail juga berkata jawatankuasa teknikal di peringkat negeri juga akan diwujudkan, di mana Pengarah Kesihatan Negeri akan menyampaikan keputusan mesyuarat teknikal pusat kepada semua pihak yang terlibat termasuk doktor-doktor swasta.
Mengenai situasi global, Dr Ismail berkata sejumlah 169,753 kes dengan 1,125 kematian dilaporkan di 159 negara setakat pagi ini.
Sumber : mStar Online
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009
A(H1N1): Mangsa ke-4 meninggal dunia
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Coconut Oil - More Than The Average Saturated Fat
by: Sherri L Dodd
Origin: Southeast Asia, South America, New Zealand and India
Description: Known as Sanskrit “the tree which provides all the necessities of life”, the Coconut Palm yields 50-75 coconuts per year and not a part of it goes unused. Coconut water contains sugars, fiber, protein, anti-oxidants and a variety of vitamins and minerals. The sap from cutting the flowers from the tree is used to make a drink called “toddy”. The fibrous husk from the tree, the coir, is used in many things including ropes, mats, brushes and potting soil. If you no longer need a coconut tree, the apical bud of an adult tree can be eaten as “palm-cabbage”, and the “heart of the palm” is a delicacy in gourmet salads. The ‘no longer’ clause due to consuming these will kill the tree. And of course, there is the white meat of the nut that can be eaten directly or used to make coconut milk, coconut cream, and coconut oil of which we will focus today.
Benefits: Researchers have increasingly revisited the health benefits of coconut oil. The findings have associated it with many healthful benefits starting with weight loss due to the medium length of the fatty acid chains (aka MCT’s). Though it is considered a saturated fat, coconut oil is a different structure from the notorious saturated animal fats, and even offers benefits not available in the longer chained plant oils. The medium length of the coconut's fatty acid chain enables rapid breakdown in digestion as well as ease of use when burned for energy. These same MCT’s, along with monoglycerides, are found primarily in coconut oil and breast milk and contribute toward well-being, which includes a role in thyroid health. It has tested well in helping prevent hypothyroidism due to its evasion of rancidity. Studies show that rancidity is harmful to the thyroid as well as many cells throughout the body. (The plant oils used by mainstream food manufacturers have a high propensity toward rancidity and must be processed through hydrogenation into trans-fatty acids.)
Another benefit of using coconut oil is that it supports the suppression of Candida (aka, yeast) in the digestive system. While yeast commonly inhabits your digestive system, it is kept controlled due to the body’s presence of probiotics (aka “good” bacteria). In the event the person starts taking antibiotics, prescription medications, birth control pills or maintains a poor diet and experiences daily stress, Candida yeast begins to fiercely outnumber the good bacteria, causing evidence of infection. Also, digestive disorders such as Crohn's disease and IBS can have positive results from one consuming coconut oil. The MCTs will not only be easily digested, but will also assist in the absorption of the nutrients from other foods.
Blurb: While time may be limited on the amount of pampering a mother can do for herself, there are steps that can be taken to look our best and coconut oil is here to help. Coconut oil is used for treating damaged hair, dry scalp and pimples, moisturizing dry and aging skin, and enabling anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral effects throughout the body. It has also shown great reduction of keratosis polaris, rosacea and psoriasis. You do not have to pay absorbent fees for beauty products. Instead, buy a large jar of the solid oil and use it directly on the appropriate area as well as ingesting it for overall well being…it tastes great and goes down smooth!
Coconut Oil (1 Tbsp)
Calories: 119
Fat: 14g (Sat. Fat 12g)
Information found at http://www.coconut-info.net and http://en.wikipedia.org
About The Author
not a part of it goes unused. Coconut water contains sugars, fiber, protein, anti-oxidants and a variety of vitamins and minerals. The sap from cutting the flowers from the tree is used to make a drink called “toddy”. The fibrous husk from the tree, the coir, is used in many things including ropes, mats, brushes and potting soil. If you no longer need a coconut tree, the apical bud of an adult tree can be eaten as “palm-cabbage”, and the “heart of the palm” is a delicacy in gourmet salads. The ‘no longer’ clause due to consuming these will kill the tree. And of course, there is the white meat of the nut that can be eaten directly or used to make coconut milk, coconut cream, and coconut oil of which we will focus today.
Benefits: Researchers have increasingly revisited the health benefits of coconut oil. The findings have associated it with many healthful benefits starting with weight loss due to the medium length of the fatty acid chains (aka MCT’s). Though it is considered a saturated fat, coconut oil is a different structure from the notorious saturated animal fats, and even offers benefits not available in the longer chained plant oils. The medium length of the coconut's fatty acid chain enables rapid breakdown in digestion as well as ease of use when burned for energy. These same MCT’s, along with monoglycerides, are found primarily in coconut oil and breast milk and contribute toward well-being, which includes a role in thyroid health. It has tested well in helping prevent hypothyroidism due to its evasion of rancidity. Studies show that rancidity is harmful to the thyroid as well as many cells throughout the body. (The plant oils used by mainstream food manufacturers have a high propensity toward rancidity and must be processed through hydrogenation into trans-fatty acids.)
Another benefit of using coconut oil is that it supports the suppression of Candida (aka, yeast) in the digestive system. While yeast commonly inhabits your digestive system, it is kept controlled due to the body’s presence of probiotics (aka “good” bacteria). In the event the person starts taking antibiotics, prescription medications, birth control pills or maintains a poor diet and experiences daily stress, Candida yeast begins to fiercely outnumber the good bacteria, causing evidence of infection. Also, digestive disorders such as Crohn's disease and IBS can have positive results from one consuming coconut oil. The MCTs will not only be easily digested, but will also assist in the absorption of the nutrients from other foods.
Blurb: While time may be limited on the amount of pampering a mother can do for herself, there are steps that can be taken to look our best and coconut oil is here to help. Coconut oil is used for treating damaged hair, dry scalp and pimples, moisturizing dry and aging skin, and enabling anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral effects throughout the body. It has also shown great reduction of keratosis polaris, rosacea and psoriasis. You do not have to pay absorbent fees for beauty products. Instead, buy a large jar of the solid oil and use it directly on the appropriate area as well as ingesting it for overall well being…it tastes great and goes down smooth!
Coconut Oil (1 Tbsp)
Calories: 119
Fat: 14g (Sat. Fat 12g)
Information found at http://www.coconut-info.net and http://en.wikipedia.org
at: 14g (Sat. Fat 12g)
Information found at http://www.coconut-info.net and http://en.wikipedia.org
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7:38 PM
Labels: Coconut Oil
Aromatherapy - a World Of Fragrance
by: Angie Kocsi
Aromatherapy, a word that derives from ‘aroma’ meaning fragrance or smell and ‘therapy’ meaning treatment is based on an ancient principle that the spirit and the body should be in harmony. The ancient Egyptians used aromatherapy thousands of years ago. Hippocrates claimed that the secret to good health was to have an aromatic bath and a scented massage each day.
Aromatherapy, the healing art of using essential oils extracted from aromatic plants for therapeutic purposes is enjoying a modern-day revival. Extracted from fruit, flowers and trees, blends of these essentials oils can be incorporated for the healing properties and create a particular aroma.
Each essential oil used in Aromatherapy can be used either alone or in combination with other oils to promote health and a sense of emotional well being. A full Aromatherapy treatment combines the beneficial properties of essential oils with a warm relaxing massage, bath or inhalation.
While essential oil are considered to be safe to use, they are very powerful, highly concentrated substances which should be treated with a great deal of respect.
Some of the most common essential oils and their effects:
Chamomile: Soothing and harmonizing
Clove: Warming
Fennel: Clearing
Eucalyptus: Balancing and stimulating
Grapefruit: Refreshing
Jasmine: Soothing
Lavender: Calming and healing
Lemon: Cleansing and stimulating
Orange: Calming and energizing
Before beginning any Aromatherapy treatment, it is important to understand how each essential oil works. Do not use any oil that you are not familiar with. Certain oils should not be used during pregnancy or when breast feeding.
Consult your local professional for advice on which Aromatherapy treatment best suits your needs.
Spas in Canada © Copyright 2005
Contact the spa team by email: spas@spasincanada.ca
About The Author
Angie Kocsi is co-founder of Spas in Canada. After many years enjoying the great spas in Europe and drawing upon her knowledge of the corporate world, along with a successful career in Public Relations and International Marketing www.spasincanada.ca was created. Contact the spa team by email: spas@spasincanada.ca.
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7:37 PM
Labels: Aromatherapy
Selsema Babi
Soalan lazim mengenai selsema babi.
1. Apakah Selesema Babi?
Selesema Babi adalah penyakit respiratori akut yang berjangkit daripada babi dan disebabkan oleh virus influenza A.
Di kalangan babi, virus ini tersebar melalui titisan air dan hubungan secara langsung atau tidak langsung. Ia juga boleh tersebar melalui babi yang asimptomatik (tidak mempunyai sebarang gejala penyakit tetapi membawa virus Selesema Babi).
2. Berapakah subtypes (jenis) Virus Selesema Babi yang wujud?
Virus Selesema Babi sentiasa berubah seperti virus influenza yang lain. Terdapat 4 subtypes utama virus influenza A yang diasingkan daripada haiwan ini iaitu H1N1 (virus yang biasa ditemui pada babi), H1N2, H3N1 dan H3N2. Babi boleh dijangkiti virus Avian Influenza (Selesema Burung), virus influenza bermusim manusia, serta virus Swine Influenza (Selesema Babi).
Babi boleh dijangkiti lebih daripada satu jenis virus pada satu masa. Ini menyebabkan gen virus tersebut bercampur dan menghasilkan virus influenza yang mengandungi gen daripada pelbagai sumber, dikenali sebagai virus yang bercampur (reassortant).
Walaupun virus Selesema Babi pada kebiasaannya adalah spesis yang spesifik dan hanya menjangkiti babi, namun, virus ini boleh menyebabkan penyakit di kalangan manusia.
Terbaru, virus influenza yang diasingkan daripada babi telah dikenal pasti sebagai virus H1N1.
3. Di manakah kes jangkitan terhadap manusia pernah terjadi?
Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia telah menerima laporan kes Selesema Babi dari Amerika Syarikat dan Sepanyol.
4. Apakah tanda dan gejala Selesema Babi pada manusia?
Tanda dan gejala Selesema Babi pada manusia adalah serupa dengan gejala selesema manusia termasuk demam, batuk, sakit tekak, sakit-sakit badan, sakit kepala serta badan berasa sejuk dan lesu.
Terdapat juga sesetengah kes yang mengalami cirit birit dan muntah.
5. Adakah babi dan produknya selamat untuk dimakan?
Ya. Tiada bukti mengaitkan Selesema Babi boleh dipindahkan melalui makanan sekiranya daging atau produk babi disediakan atau dimasak secara betul. Virus Selesema Babi boleh dihapuskan dengan suhu masakan 160°F/70°C, sejajar dengan panduan am bagi menyediakan daging babi dan daging lain.
6. Bagaimana manusia boleh dijangkiti?
Manusia selalunya dijangkiti Selesema Babi melalui hubungan langsung dengan babi atau persekitaran yang dijangkiti virus Selesema Babi. Terdapat juga kes di mana manusia yang dijangkiti tidak mempunyai sejarah hubungan secara langsung dengan haiwan ini atau persekitarannya. Jangkitan manusia kepada manusia yang telah dilaporkan adalah terhad kepada hubungan secara langsung.
7. Adakah terdapat vaksin bagi melindungi manusia daripada jangkitan Selesema Babi?
Tiada. Vaksin influenza bermusim yang dihasilkan mengikut cadangan Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia tidak mengandungi virus Selesema Babi. Tidak juga diketahui sama ada vaksin bermusim boleh menyediakan perlindungan silang bagi mencegah jangkitan virus Selesema Babi.
8. Apakah rawatan bagi Selesema Babi?
Kebanyakkan kes Selesema Babi yang dilaporkan sebelum ini pulih sepenuhnya daripada penyakit itu tanpa memerlukan rawatan dan antiviral.
9. Berapakah tempoh masa jangkitan Selesema Babi daripada manusia kepada manusia yang lain?
Mereka yang dijangkiti virus Selesema Babi boleh menyebarkan penyakit ini selagi mereka mempunyai gejala penyakit dan boleh berlanjutan selama 7 hari daripada tarikh mendapat jangkitan (onset).
Kanak-kanak, terutamanya yang masih kecil, berpotensi menyebarkan penyakit ini pada tempoh yang lebih panjang.
10. Apa yang boleh dilakukan untuk melindungi diri anda daripada sakit?
Elakkan penyebaran kuman penyebab penyakit respiratori seperti selesema.
Ambil langkah-langkah berikut:
- Jika anda batuk atau bersin:
- -Lindungi hidung dan mulut anda dengan tisu atau sapu tangan
- -Buang tisu yang telah digunakan di bakul sampah
- -Basuh tangan dengan sabun dan air bersih
- Amalkan kebersihan diri. Basuh tangan dengan kerap menggunakan sabun dan air, terutamanya selepas anda batuk. Pembersih tangan berasaskan alkohol sangat berkesan.
- Cuba elakkan berhubung rapat dengan mereka yang sakit.
- Jika anda sakit kerana selesema, duduk di rumah dan hadkan hubungan dengan orang lain bagi memastikan anda tidak menjangkiti mereka.
- Elakkan daripada menyentuh mata, hidung atau mulut anda.
- Segera dapatkan rawatan di kemudahan kesihatan berdekatan sekiranya anda mengalami tanda dan gejala penyakit setelah pulang dari negara atau kawasan yang dijangkiti Selesema Babi.
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7:35 PM
Labels: Selsema Babi
Learn How To Quit Smoking
by: Colin Williams
What do I mean by LEARN, shouldn’t I be telling you to go buy some nicotine gum or some quit smoking NRT products. Hey! It’s not that hard for anyone to stop smoking and NO you don’t really need a pill, potion, patch or gum. As a matter of fact I believe you only need one thing to help you quit smoking and that’s Knowledge, because knowledge is power.
Some historians claim that tobacco has been apart of our history since around 6000BC, however a little closer to our end of the time line in the pre- Columbian Americas the native Americans cultivated tobacco for ceremonial pipe smoking. Explorers like Christopher Columbus, Sir Walter Raleigh and France’s Jean Nicot after whom nicotine was named began to popularize the use of tobacco as the new fashion throughout Europe. The process of smoking was learnt back in the early 16th century and it’s still learnt the same way today. In the US every day 3000 new non-smoker kids become smokers! Each and every person has had to learn how to smoke.
You LEARNT how to become a smoker in the first place. You practised the draw-back and various smoking techniques over and over, including all those body image traits until you finally achieved that great `smoker status' . You convinced yourself how good and cool it was - right! You just taught yourself how to be a smoker even when the first few cigarettes nearly made you vomit.
You may be asking yourself right now, how can I learn how to stop smoking. The answer is easy, if you want to become a non-smoker, then you need to learn how to THINK as non-smoker. The reality is that gums, patches or NRT’s won’t change your smoker mindsets, knowledge and understanding is the key!
Listen ...'If you think the way you always thought, you'll have what you always had.'
Answer this... Who talks to you the most? Your partner? your boss? your neighbour? your friends? your dog or cat? No Way......YOU TALK TO YOU THE MOST!!!
Nicotine Addiction is approximately 20% physiological and 80% psychological. Think about it, the chemical affect of the drug doesn’t have to work very hard to keep you addicted because you will reinforce your perceived satisfaction with just about every cigarette through your thoughts and words.
The bottom line is this – the nicotine addiction IS NOT your friend or buddy, it's a lying parasite that basically wants to kill you. Have you ever wanted to quit smoking or maybe you know and love someone who is struggling to give up smoking?
I can show you a quit smoking process that will change your life forever. You’re only problem will be deciding what to do with all that extra cash. Imagine the freedom of waking up every morning and thinking “I’m a non-smoker” now that’s cool!
To learn more please visit http://www.quitsmoking-4-life.com
About The Author
Colin R. Williams is a Quit Smoking Personal Coach, Seminar Presenter and the author of Quit Smoking…NOW - It’s Easier Than You Think! Colin is passionate about helping people to stop smoking and break the chains of nicotine addiction – forever. He illustrates a powerful quit smoking principle that can’t fail, without using pills, potions, patches, gums, hypnosis, Zyban or NRT’s. For more information visit http://www.quitsmoking-4-life.com
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7:34 PM
Labels: Quit Smoking
The Real Way To Get Big
by: Leonard Rogalski
I for one am tired of it.
All the so-called experts and guru’s claiming that they know how you have to train to get big and strong.
Yea right, and all ya gotta do is buy this particular supplement that we’re promoting.
Now I’m not going to beat around the bush, I am going to assume that if you are reading this, you want to get big and you want to get strong.
I am also going to assume that you are pretty darn skinny and you probably are young most likely in college.
I don’t mean to insult anyone, but if you aren’t in the single digits of body fat, then this program isn’t for you.
It is for the guy or gal whose metabolism is so fast and so thin that the wind will blow him or her away if he or she misses one meal.
Squats, dead lifts, stiff legged dead lifts (please do these with some bend in the knees despite what the name says) over head presses with dumbbells, bent over rows or one arm rows, incline presses, chins and pull ups, good mornings and slant board sit ups.
That’s it no concentration curls triceps kick backs etc.
Squats 10x3 that’s 10 sets of three reps
Bent over rows 10x3
Over Head presses with dumbbells 10x3
Good Mornings 10x3
Chins as many as you can do
Slant board sits ups go until you feel you only have one or two reps in you then stop
Dead lifts 10x3
One arm rows 10x3
Incline dumbbell presses 10x3
Stiff legged dead lifts 10x3
Pull Ups as many as you can do
Slant board sit ups go until you have one or two reps left in you
Squats 3x3 three sets of three reps with a light weight
Dead lifts 3x3 same as above
Weird lifts
What I mean by weird lifts is simple, farmer’s walks, go out and chop some wood, load up and wheel barrel with weight and see how far you can go with it.
Anything that gets you out of the gym and using your muscles doing ANYTHING BUT LIFTING WEIGHTS
Forget about all of those weird supplements get your self a good multi vitamin and eat plenty of good food, like chicken breasts, lean steak, fish, whole wheat bread, peanut butter, vegetables, etc.
You can throw a little bit of junk in there but keep 90% of you diet comprised of good wholesome food.
Watch you waist, once it goes up two or three inches start cutting back on the food a little bit. Also on you days off do some fast walking, it is good for you, and it will help keep you leaner while you gain weight.
Remember this is a basic outline, feel free to modify it to suit you ability and experience level
Good luck and happy training!
For more cool stuff please check out www.originalproducts.ws
About The Author
Leonard Rogalski
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Using Yoga For Weight Loss
by: Michael Paetzold
Yoga can be put to good use for taking off excess pounds through the power of creating a state of mental and physical well being. The basic tenets of Yoga promotes a healthy lifestyle and when combined with a calorie reduction can help to speed up your weight loss. It will increase your metabolism by increasing the caloric burning process. All weight loss is based on using more calories than you take in. It will also allow you to increase your ability to concentrate and focus.
Your thyroid regulates your metabolism and is responsible for the chemical processes that transform food into energy. Yoga uses a series of twisting poses that will help to stimulate the work flow of the internal organs. This will cause your metabolism to increase and burn more calories which will eventually cause you to have a lower body weight. Another side effect is that it will help to improve your circulation and increase your energy level.
The various back bends combined with the forward bends will help to stimulate the metabolism. The poses that affect the neck region can be helpful in stimulating the thyroid if the weight problem is caused by a hormonal imbalance. Poses that will help the most for this include the camel, rabbit, plow, bridge and head stand. Going quickly between the various poses can help to accelerate the weght loss. Beware though that those seriously overweight may find some of these poses extremely difficult and should start slowly with the easier poses and add others as they become more confident in the easier ones.
You can use standing poses to increase muscle strengthening such as the warrior. These will help to create higher endurance and increase your caloric usage.
Remember that a gradual approach is best with all Yoga practices. The long term effects on your weight loss regime will become evident and even more so the inner peace and general well feeling that Yoga will promote within you.
About The Author
Michael Paetzold is the webmaster of http://innerselfimprovement.com where you will find information to improve the inner you. Weight loss, better self image, time management and much more are addressed there.
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7:28 PM
Labels: Weight Loss, Yoga