Thursday, July 9, 2009

Aromatherapy - a World Of Fragrance

by: Angie Kocsi

Aromatherapy, a word that derives from ‘aroma’ meaning fragrance or smell and ‘therapy’ meaning treatment is based on an ancient principle that the spirit and the body should be in harmony. The ancient Egyptians used aromatherapy thousands of years ago. Hippocrates claimed that the secret to good health was to have an aromatic bath and a scented massage each day.

Aromatherapy, the healing art of using essential oils extracted from aromatic plants for therapeutic purposes is enjoying a modern-day revival. Extracted from fruit, flowers and trees, blends of these essentials oils can be incorporated for the healing properties and create a particular aroma.

Each essential oil used in Aromatherapy can be used either alone or in combination with other oils to promote health and a sense of emotional well being. A full Aromatherapy treatment combines the beneficial properties of essential oils with a warm relaxing massage, bath or inhalation.

While essential oil are considered to be safe to use, they are very powerful, highly concentrated substances which should be treated with a great deal of respect.

Some of the most common essential oils and their effects:

Chamomile: Soothing and harmonizing

Clove: Warming

Fennel: Clearing

Eucalyptus: Balancing and stimulating

Grapefruit: Refreshing

Jasmine: Soothing

Lavender: Calming and healing

Lemon: Cleansing and stimulating

Orange: Calming and energizing

Before beginning any Aromatherapy treatment, it is important to understand how each essential oil works. Do not use any oil that you are not familiar with. Certain oils should not be used during pregnancy or when breast feeding.

Consult your local professional for advice on which Aromatherapy treatment best suits your needs.

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About The Author

Angie Kocsi is co-founder of Spas in Canada. After many years enjoying the great spas in Europe and drawing upon her knowledge of the corporate world, along with a successful career in Public Relations and International Marketing was created. Contact the spa team by email:

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